These working papers are part of workstream 6 on Regional Growth and Development within the Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) project, a three-year partnership between UNU-WIDER and the South African government aimed at improving understanding of regional value chains and supporting industrialisation in the SADC region. In year one of the project TIPS produced five papers: lessons from ASEAN; an analysis of local content requirements as a non-tariff barrier; and reviews of three value chains: agro-processing machinery, motorcycle parts and the aftermarket industry, and capital equipment for copper processing.
- Black cat, white cat – lessons to be learnt from ASEAN - Charity begins at home – the political economy of non-tariff barriers to trade in Southern Africa - Motorcycle parts and aftermarket industry regional value chain in Southern Africa - Assessment of demand in agro-processing machinery in the SADC region: A case study of the maize-milling machinery value chain in South Africa and Zambia - Moving up the copper value chain in Southern Africa - Initial considerations for the creation of an inter-regional industrial hemp value chain between Malawi and South Africa - Future-proofing the plastics value chain in Southern Africa - The COVID-19 pandemic and the economy in Southern Africa - Learning from experience: Special Economic Zones in Southern Africa