
Past Projects

01 December 2006

The State of Trade Policy in South Africa


The South African government and the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) in particular have embarked on a policy framework to ensure that the SA economy becomes competitive. In an increasingly traded global economy, it is recognised that national economic welfare will be enhanced by both greater efficiency, brought about by liberalisation, and SA's exports in the world economy. The State of Trade Policy in South Africa 2003 aims to develop a rigorous approach to the analysis of trade reform and the impact it has had on aspects of SA's economy - the overall macro-economy, export behaviour, labour markets, resource allocation and growth. The report consists of a synthesis of existing research in SA, as well as specifically commissioned research, and is intended to be a reference point for government, academia, the private sector and others. Building on the 2003 report, which contained much relevant qualitative and quantitative material on the evolution of South Africa's trade policy, TIPS has appointed an external Reference Group and has compiled an updated and more comprehensive State of Trade Policy, to be published in 2007.