
Past Projects

24 December 2012

African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)

  • Year: 2012

Project: Benefits of AGOA to South Africa

Client: Department of Trade and Industry (the dti)

Duration: 2012-2013

TIPS assisted the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) to carry out a study into the benefits that have accrued to South Africa as a result of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The research is intended to inform the South African government’s position on AGOA as the 13-year old piece of US legislation enters the last two years of its existing phase. Initially set to expire in 2008, AGOA was extended to 2015 allowing Sub-Saharan African beneficiary countries, including South Africa, to continue to enjoy preferential access to the United States market. US President Barack Obama also recently pledged to revamp AGOA before its September 2015 expiry.

The research, which confirmed that AGOA has the potential to support export-driven jobs in South Africa, fills gaps in AGOA’s impact on specific South African commodity value chains: the agro-processing, textiles and apparel, and automotive sectors.

A joint workshop between TIPS and The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) on AGOA took place on 17 September, 2013. This was timed to coincide with the lobbying visit by a South African government and business delegation to Washington led by Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies. The objective of the session was to present the TIPS research and to encourage debate among stakeholders on the future of AGOA. The event benefited from participation from the Department of Trade and Industry, the US Embassy in Pretoria and a range of business representatives.

For the workshop outcomes, presentations and articles on AGOA click here.

Summary articles – extracted from the research: