Past Projects

The Provincial Economic Intelligence Unit

  • Year: 2003
The Provincial Economic Intelligence Unit's (PEIU's) objectives are to develop sub-national economic analysis capacity so as to inform Provincial Growth and Development Strategy processes.

Western Cape Province

Western Cape Provincial Treasury Provincial Economic Review & Outlook 2006

The Western Cape Provincial Treasury publishes an annual Provincial Economic Review and Outlook to deepen the economic analytical platform that informs the Province's annual budget decisions.

In line with the Provincial Growth and Development Strategy, the 2006 PER&O stresses the importance of defining the desired form of growth that Government seeks to stimulate, and builds a deeper understanding of what shared growth and integrated development means for the Province.

First, it recognises that economic growth that is accompanied by improved social equity will have a greater impact on reducing poverty than growth that leaves distribution unchanged. Secondly, it highlights that increased social inequality can offset the benefits of growth to the poor, reducing the poverty impact of future growth. Thirdly, it emphasises that growth has to be environmentally sustainable to have medium- to long-term benefits for reduced poverty and improved livelihoods.

TIPS project-managed and edited PER&O 2006.


Western Cape Provincial Treasury Provincial Economic Review & Outlook 2005
The Western Cape Provincial Treasury publishes an annual Provincial Economic Review and Outlook to deepen the economic analytical platform that informs the Province's annual budget decisions.

PER&O 2005 considers the economic outlook for the Western Cape over the next three years, examines the Province' sectoral growth and employment trends and prospects, reviews Provincial labour market and remuneration performance and highlights the Province's challenges in respect of equity and development prospects.

TIPS project-managed and edited PER&O 2005.


Provincial Focus on SMMEs

Annual Small Business Review 2004 Provincial Profile: Mpumalanga

As part of the dti-commissioned Annual Review of Small Business in 2004, TIPS prepared a provincial focus on SMMEs for Mpumalanga.

Similar to other South African provinces with a high proportion of rural dwellers, the largest proportion of enterprises in Mpumalanga are informal rather than formal businesses (an estimated 15,000 formal businesses compared to 191,000 informal enterprises). Overall, the provincial government of Mpumalanga considers the SMME economy as '˜a vital part of the provincial economy'™. Nevertheless, given the challenges faced in terms of SMME development, it has been described as '˜a marginalised sector of the regional economy, not contributing optimally to economic growth'.

The aim of this report is to provide a profile of the status and development trajectory of Mpumalanga's SMME economy and to highlight select issues concerning the development challenges faced by sections of this economy. More specifically, this report presents the findings of 90 interviews which were conducted from September to November 2005 with a cross-section of SMME entrepreneurs in the manufacturing and tourism sectors.

For the full Annual Review of Small Business 2004, please visit


Annual Small Business Review 2003 Provincial Profile: Free State
As part of the dti-commissioned Annual Review of Small Business 2003, TIPS prepared a provincial focus on SMMEs for the Free State.

During 2003 and 2004, the Free State Province commissioned a series of detailed research investigations towards the creation of a new provincial economic development strategy. In this provincial profile, some of the key findings and issues from these research investigations are raised concerning SMME development, specifically in the important manufacturing economy. Issues are discussed in terms of the role of both established and emerging manufacturing enterprises.

For the full Annual Review of Small Business 2003, please visit


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