
Past Projects

26 March 2018

Case study on the agricultural inputs regional value chain in Southern Africa: South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia

This research report aims to identify opportunities to develop the regional value chain in agricultural inputs, and the opportunities within that value chain for regional trade. It also aims to detail policy initiatives to be undertaken by the South African Department of Trade and Industry to capitalise on those opportunities in order to promote regional integration and growth and development supported by expanding regional value chains.The study covers the following countries: South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia. The research aims to answer the following questions:

  • What is the current profile of the agricultural inputs sector in each country?
  • What are the key factors driving demand for different categories of agricultural inputs across the four countries?
  • What are the main factors that constrain demand for agricultural inputs in each country, and in aggregate across the region?
  • What is the current structure of the regional value chain in these inputs? How is it organised?
  • How well is the chain functioning?
  • What and where are the opportunities to improve the functioning of the regional value chain?
  • What does this analysis imply for the dti’s regional development policy?