
Past Projects

15 June 2004

A Strategic Assessment of the South African Motor Vehicle, Parts and Accessories sector


This strategy document endeavours to analyse the South African automotive assembly and components industry's major market and production trends and dynamics as a mechanism for identifying current industry constraints and opportunities/challenges. It is comprised of six sections.
Section 1 provides an overview of the sector's major trends as gleaned from TIPS data, whilst Section 2 reviews the sector's structure in respect of numerous criteria. In Section 3 market trends and competitiveness related issues are examined, with Section 4 then exploring the government policy framework in which the industry operates. Section 5 attempts to synthesise the constraints and opportunities/challenges confronting the sector. Finally Section 6 considers the policy implications arising from the analysis presented.

Draft report: Please do not quote or reference
Please Note: The views expressed in this paper represent those of the author, and not necessarily those of The Presidency or ComMark.