
Past Projects

14 February 2009

Southern African Development Research Network (SADRN)

  • Year: 2009

The Southern African Development Research Network (SADRN) was a broad-based policy and research network which aimed to increase the supply of policy-relevant research in the region and strengthen evidence-based policy-making. SADRN focused on two main themes: industrial policy and sector development at the regional level; trade policy and its linkages to pro-poor growth.

The objectives of the Network were to:

  • Increase the supply of policy-relevant research in the SADC region by creating a pool of suitably-skilled researchers based in institutions in SADC
  • Improve the policy-relevance of research through growing the capacity of policy-makers to be discerning research 'users'
  • Develop an appreciation for evidence-based policy making by engaging policy-makers in the design, specification, implementation and review of research projects
  • Build institutional capacity in key organizations in SADC via the creation of 'centres of excellence' in focused thematic areas of research.

The Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) hosted the trade and pro-poor growth thematic group.

BIDPA is a non-governmental research organisation established by a deed of trust. The two key areas of BIDPA's mandate are development policy analysis and capacity building. Its aim is to promote policy analysis through research, capacity building, assisting organizations or individuals where appropriate as well as to monitor Botswana's economic performance. BIDPA also disseminates policy research results.

A team of researchers from the University of Mauritius, Faculty of Business, Management and Law  hosted the Services Sector Development and Impact on Poverty thematic working group. For more about the University of Mauritius, please visit

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