
Past Projects

Displaying items by tag: township economy

This report highlights the myriad interventions available to township firms to develop a more equitable industrial landscape that supports firm growth and employment growth. Many of these response measures aim to address the constraints facing small businesses and industrial development in townships. Gaps however remain. Economic geography is a key component of industrial policy, and requires appropriate policies that supports development in a decentralised urban landscape in order to bring about inclusive and sustainable industrialisation. Based on the gaps identified in this research, the policy recommendations to strengthen small manufacturing businesses in townships include:

  • Ensuring inter-governmental collaboration on township development programmes.
  • Improving M&E and understanding of township economy needs.
  • Addressing spatial planning and making land available in townships for firms to operate.

Working Paper prepared by TIPS for the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition

  • Year 2021
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Published in Trade and Industry