
Past Projects

Displaying items by tag: Agriprocessing

WIDER Working Paper 2019/70

This working paper, Assessment of demand in agro-processing machinery in the SADC region: A case study of the maize-milling machinery value chain in South Africa and Zambia, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED)


The SADC Industrialization Strategy and Roadmap 2015–2063 aims to arrest deindustrialization and resuscitate manufacturing capabilities within the region. Agro-processing, the largest contributor to manufacturing in most of the member states, has been chosen as one of the growth paths to help the region reindustrialize. Because of its backward linkages with the agricultural industry and forward linkages into the diverse food industry, this subsector has received immense government support and private sector investment. However, the region faces important leakages in imports of machinery. This paper investigates whether the sector is stimulating additional manufacturing capabilities in agro-processing machinery, equipment, and parts, and whether these could drive capabilities, factor accumulation, and technological capabilitybuilding to capture the full value envisioned in the Roadmap.

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TIPS acknowledges the support of the SA-TIED programme for this working paper, with special thanks to UNU-WIDER and the South African Department of Trade and Industry.

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation UNU-WIDER
  • Author(s) Gillian Chigumira (TIPS)
Published in Trade and Industry
23 March 2018

Food processing 2017

The food processing industry comprises the production of final food products based mainly, although not exclusively, on agricultural inputs. The line between agriculture and food processing is not always entirely clear, however, although the formal definition of food processing excludes processing that takes place on the farm. The industry is highly diverse, with significantly different processes used in major subsectors, for instance maize milling, bakeries, meat and poultry processing and horticulture.

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Other subsector notes

Basic chemicals and petroleum refineries


Capital equipment

Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles

Electronics and appliances

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Glass and non-metalic minerals

Metal and metal products

Other chemicals, rubber and plastics

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment

Wood and paper

Session 5: Carbon-intensive industries and sustainability

  • Year 2017
  • Organisation WWF-SA
  • Author(s) Manisha Gulati; Louise Scholtz
  • Countries and Regions South Africa