
23 May 2009

Climate Change: Risks and Opportunities for the South African Economy

  • Year: 2009

Official project name: Commercial Climate Change Risks and Opportunities in South Africa

Client: Camco

Funder: British High Commission

Duration: May 2009 – November 2010


TIPS participated in a research project led by Camco, an international consulting firm specialising in climate change solutions, and financed by the British High Commission. This considered the indirect effects that climate change could have on South Africa's economy, ranging from impacts on the tourism sector, aviation and food exports, to commercial opportunities in low carbon technologies and the promotion of alternative carbon markets.

In addition to the main report, a series of 18 sectoral reviews and two case studies on the construction industry, and renewable energy and the draft Integrated Resource Plan for electricity, were produced.

A multi-stakeholder workshop was held in August 2009 to present the study and debate the effect that the climate challenge could have on the South African economy.

In May 2010, a Low Carbon Growth Seminar was hosted to disseminate the findings of the report to all relevant stakeholders.

Main Report

Climate Change: Risks and Opportunities for the South African Economy – An Assessment of Mitigation Response Measures

Main report

Case Studies

The Construction Industry’s Path towards a Low Carbon Trajectory

Renewable Energy and the Draft IRP 2010: The Winds of Change


Stakeholder workshop - 14 August 2009

Towards Low Carbon Growth in South Africa - 6 May 2010