Official project name: Green Jobs in South Africa / Part of the Social Dialogue for Green and Decent Jobs. South Africa - European Dialogue on Just Transition project
Client: Sustainlabour Foundation
Funder: European Union
Duration: 7 March 2012 – 20 April 2012
TIPS was commissioned in 2012 by the Sustainlabour Foundation to produce a comprehensive report on green jobs and related policy frameworks in South Africa. The research forms part of the Social Dialogue for Green and Decent Jobs: South Africa - European Dialogue on Just Transition project, co-funded by EuropeAid and Sustainlabour, in which the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) acts as a partner organisation.
The research was published by Sustainlabour in February 2013 in a report titled Green Jobs and related policy frameworks: An overview of South Africa. TIPS presented the report findings at a Training Workshop for South African Trade Unions on Green and Decent Jobs in Johannesburg, South Africa in November 2012.