TIPS industry studies provide a comprehensive overview of key trends in leading industries in South Africa. They aim to provide background for policymakers and researchers, and to strengthen our understanding of current challenges and opportunities in each industry as a basis for a more strategic response.
This study explores key trends in the food processing industry across several critical dimensions, including growth, exports, job creation, small business development, income distribution, ownership representation, and geographic disparities.
The food processing industry comprises the production of final food products based mainly, although not exclusively, on agricultural inputs. The line between agriculture and food processing is not always entirely clear, however, although the formal definition of food processing excludes processing that takes place on the farm. The industry is highly diverse, with significantly different processes used in major subsectors, for instance maize milling, bakeries, meat and poultry processing and horticulture.
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Other subsector notes
Basic chemicals and petroleum refineries
Capital equipment
Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles
Electronics and appliances
Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified
Glass and non-metalic minerals
Metal and metal products
Other chemicals, rubber and plastics
Printing and publishing
Transport equipment
Wood and paper
Session 9: Unpacking the water-energy-food nexus
Session 9: Unpacking the water-energy-food nexus