
23 August 2007

Trade and Industry Monitor Volume 33: Trade and the Path to Durable Growth and Development

In this this edition of the Trade and Industry Monitor we include a special focus by Lawrence Edwards and Tijl van de Winkel of the School of Economics, UCT, who analyse the impact of trade liberalisation on the pricing behaviour of SA industries. In our Focus on Data section, we examine current bilateral trade patterns between SA and China, and the question of which goods SA should target in the event of Free Trade Area negotiations. Looking to the African continent, our next article -More and Fairer Trade for Africa, released by the Commission for Africa - further examines the link between trade and growth, and the relationship between trade and poverty via growth. Potential barriers to trade for developing countries are also reviewed by Alan Matthews of the Institute of International Integration Studies in our article on the case for special and differential (S & D) treatment within the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA).

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