Annual Forum Papers

Evaluating local and regional supplier inputs to mega-infrastructure projects: Lessons from the Moatize railway, Mozambique

  • Year: 2015
  • Organisation: CCRED, University of Johannesburg
  • Author(s): Tatenda Zengeni; Basani Baloyi; Simon Roberts
  • Countries and Regions: Mozambique

Session 3: Regional manufacturing and industrial policy 2

The paper draws on a longer study which describes the transport infrastructure developments including the lead firms, the state actors, and the policy framework. Interviews were conducted with consulting engineering firms, civil construction firms, raw material providers and institutions in South Africa and Mozambique. The direct linkages to the local and regional economies are critically assessed including understanding how the investments have been organised. We assess the institutional dynamics in terms of the lead firms, the role of the Mozambique state, and influence of other organisations such as the World Bank. The study further assesses the relationship of the infrastructure investments with the development of capabilities at the local, national and regional level. The paper evaluates to what extent are local (Mozambique) and regional (especially South African) linkages being developed given competitive and procurement dynamics. Recommendations are made on local and regional capabilities development drawing from the findings, including key elements of a regional strategy for maximising the backward linkages of major infrastructure projects.