
PAGE 2019 Ministerial Conference - Advancing Inclusive and Sustainable Economies

The third Partnership for Action on the Green Economy (PAGE) Ministerial Conference was held in Cape Town in January 2019. The theme of the conference was Advancing Inclusive and Sustainable Economies. More than 500 leaders and innovators from the government, private and the civil society sectors from more than 50 countries met to discuss policy and strategy. The conference was hosted by the Department of Environmental Affairs of South Africa.

A number of concept papers were produced to inform the conference, including two by TIPS.

  • Green Economy Policies & Strategies Gaylor Montmasson-Clair (TIPS)
    This concept document assesses the state of play at each level of policymaking. It conducts a diagnostic of the situation at the four levels of the policy pyramid: the vision, plans and strategies,measures and instruments, and toolkits. It also has targeted recommendations.

  • Inclusivity within the Green Economy - Gaylor Montmasson-Clair and Shakespear Mudombi (TIPS)
    A gradular understanding of the structure and role of SMMEs in development and the green economy is needed to adequately harness their potential. This concept note aims to provide this analytical framework. It investigates the role of SMMEs in the economy and society, focuses on SMMEs within a green economy context, and considers the obstacles hindering thedevelopment of SMMEs. It then formulates the need and opportunity to reframe SMME development in alignment with sustainable development principles.

  • Sustainable Consumption and Production - Ntombifuthi Ntuli and Stanley Semelane (CSIR Energy Centre)
    This concept note takes stock of the status quo of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) implementation, particularly in the PAGE countries. It reviews the global perspective focusing on SCP application in various segments of the economy, followed by a review of the South African perspective of SCP implementation. It then looks at global best practise and at successful strategies from developed countries.

  • Green Finance - By Zenizeni Sustainable Finance
    An understanding of how to unlock the much-needed funding is central for green economy implementation was one of the central themes of the conference. This paper provided the context to inform the planning of the conference’s green finance sessions.
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