
Sustainable Growth

05 January 2022

Technical Report No. 1: A Review of local and international policy debates

  • Year: 2021
  • Organisation: TIPS for the Presidential Climate Commission
  • Author(s): Muhammed Patel (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions: South Africa

The Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) is a multi-stakeholder body established by the President of the Republic of South Africa to advise on the country’s climate change response and pathways to a low-carbon climate-resilient economy and society. 

TIPS research for the PCC included the technical report:

Technical Report No. 1: A Review of local and international policy debates (Muhammel Patel)

Five working papers that provide an evidence-based foundation for a new Framework for a Just Transition - a practical guide to ensure that South Africa’s transition to a low-emissions economy is well-managed, just, and equitable. The Framework will also build on existing just transition debates in the country, the vision set out by the National Planning Commission, and a new series of thematic and social-partner consultations that will gather a diverse range of views on what it means to achieve a just transition.

Policy primers for a South African Just Transition framework (Gaylor Montmasson-Clair)

The Just Transition in coal (Neva Makgetla)

Unemployment and sustainable livelihoods: Just Transition interventions in the face of inequality (Nokwanda Maseko)

Governance and the Just Transition (Neva Makgetla)

Finance and the Just Transition (Sandy Lowitt)

The views expressed in the papers represent those of its authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the PCC or its Commissioners. 

Funding provided by the European Climate Foundation

Last modified on 05 January 2022