TIPS Senior Economist Dr Neva Makgetla presented at the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition on 30 October 2024, where she shared key outcomes from ther masterplans evaluation.
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This research evaluates the progress and outcomes to date from the master plan approach to industrial policy, which was initiated in 2019. To that end, a main report analyses the 10 master plans published as of December 2023 using the theory of change methodology: the automotive industry; poultry sector; retail, clothing, textiles, footwear and leather (R-CTFL); sugar industry; forestry sector; steel and metal fabrication; furniture industry; cultural and creative industries; tourism sector; agriculture and agro-processing. It identifies ways to improve the impact of the master plan project on the national objective of inclusive industrialisation. An accompanying paper provides more in-depth case studies of four published master plans – automotive, poultry, R-CTFL and steel.
TIPS Senior Economist Dr Neva Makgetla presented at the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition on 30 October 2024, where she shared key outcomes from ther masterplans evaluation.
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