Industrial Policy Resolution 2001 for the State of Orissa

In May 2001, the State Government of Orissa organized a review workshop in Bhubaneswar to discuss prospects for growth and industrial policy, following the undertaking of a background study by UNIDO. Government officials and public servants, businessmen, academics, and civil society organisations discussed at that occasion the pros and cons of various policy options; the result of their deliberations is consigned in the present paper. The report starts (Section 1) with an overview of the economic analysis carried out by the UNIDO advisor to substantiate its views. Section 2 reproduces some of the keynote addresses delivered during the inaugural ceremony of the workshop, while Section 3 reports on the proceedings. Policy recommendations are supplied in Section 4, on the basis of both the economic analysis and the opinions and arguments expressed during the workshop. Section 5 concludes with the outline of an implementation plan. The extensive economic analysis undertaken prior to the workshop, and revised at the light of the comments voiced by the participants, is provided in a separate document (Vol. II: Industrial growth and socio-economic progress in Orissa).

  • Authors: UNIDO
  • Year: 2001
  • Organisation: UNIDO
  • Publisher: UNIDO Publication
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