
Accelerating Growth and Development. The Contribution of an Integrated Manufacturing Strategy

South Africa needs an economy that can sustainably meet the needs of all its economic citizens - both its people and their enterprises. This implies improving access to quality work and enterprise opportunities, and ensuring access to the capacities and skills required to make use of these opportunities. The Integrated Manufacturing Strategy has components that are general and will be available to all economic citizens, and it has specific actions that are designed to achieve structural change in critical areas of economic activity. An Integrated Manufacturing Strategy cannot on its own transform all social and economic conditions in South Africa. However, as part of government's wider coordinated approach, it can invigorate the production of goods and services and create the conditions necessary for the retention and growth of output and employment in other sectors of the economy. Furthermore, the alignment of its interventions with the imperative to create more equitable participation in the economy can significantly advance the progress in black economic empowerment, small business development, alternative forms of ownership and geographic equity. In addition to these direct contributions, a greater vibrancy within this part of the economy will increase revenue streams to government, which can be used to address pressing challenges facing the country.

  • Authors: DTI
  • Year: 2003
  • Organisation: DTI
  • Publisher: DTI
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