To prepare for the negotiations with government and business at the Sector Job Summits (SJSs), NALEDI and COSATU and its affiliates are developing policies relevant to different sectors. Reference groups are driving the process. These are made up of NALEDI, COSATU and a lead COSATU affiliate, as well as COSATU support affiliates and affiliates from other federations. For example, CEPPWAWU is the lead union in the reference group that is developing policy for the petroleum sector. NUMSA and SACWU (a NACTU affiliate) also sit on this group.
The main aim of the project is to develop research in the sectors as a foundation on which to build comprehensive industrial policy proposals. The project also aims to ensure that a broad spectrum of union leadership is involved in policy formulation. The project is building capacity among union researchers, involving membership in the research process and ensuring that information gets through to members through education and publications. After the Summits, the project will monitor the implementation of the policies and processes agreed on and continue to find ways to bolster labour's capacity.