
Industrial Policy Action Plan


The Industrial Policy Action Plan reflects work that has been undertaken by the dti and other government departments and is mostly ready for implementation. It has three main components. A range of sectoral actions, including:

Fast-track implementation of the four lead sectors that have emerged from research and intensive interactions with stakeholders:

  • Capital/Transport equipment and Metals;
  • Automotives and Components; Chemicals, Plastic fabrication and Pharmaceuticals;
  • Forestry, Pulp and paper, and Furniture.

Maintaining momentum on implementation of ASGI-SA sector priorities:

Business Process Outsourcing & Offshoring (BPO&O), Tourism and Biofuels, Implementation of other substantive sector projects in: Diamond beneficiation and jewellery; Agro-processing; Film and Crafts.

Further strategy work needs to be developed in a range of other sectors including:

Mining and mineral beneficiation; Agriculture /Agro-processing; ICT (services and products) and Creative Industries and White Goods. A set of cross-cutting actions of particular importance for industrial policy. The design and implementation of an Industrial Upgrading Programme to deepen manufacturing capabilities. A revised suite of Industrial financing instruments to support the industrial policy. Reducing input costs through competition policy and the review of import duties on a range of intermediate inputs into manufacturing.

In addition a range of industrial policy related cross-cutting imperatives are being implemented as set out in Government¹s Programme of Action. Measures to improve government¹s organisation and capacity to implement industrial policy.


  • Authors: The Department of Trade and Industry
  • Year: 2010
  • Organisation: DTI
  • Publisher: DTI
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