
TIPS - Industrial Policy

  • Author(s) Dr Neva Makgetla
The draft Medium Term Development Plan for 2024 to 2029 sets increased beneficiation as an outcome. Specifically, it argues that government policy on the mining value chain should “Focus on processing our minerals so that we export finished products rather than raw commodities.” This policy brief analyses progress to date in promoting beneficiation…"
Published in Policy Briefs

  • Year 2024
  • Author(s) David Kaplan
The South African start-up sector has experienced significant growth over the past decade. However, the growth of start-ups in South Africa is still far from its potential. Growth elsewhere in Africa has, in recent years, been far more rapid. Once the leading country in Africa for investment in start-ups, South Africa has been overtaken by…"
Published in Policy Briefs

  • Date Wednesday, 13 March 2024
  • Venue Hybrid
Presentations Muhammed Patel (TIPS): Green H2: a potential export commodity in a new global marketplace Jason Bell (CREDD): Insights from green hydrogen for sustainable (re)industrialisation in South Africa paper Sören Scholvin (UCN): Green hydrogen and linkage-based development in Chile Bruce Young (Wits Energy Centre): TIPS Development Dialogue Green hydrogen and industrial policy slides Background This Development Dialogue…"

  • Year 2023
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Ian Steuart, Karin Kritzinger
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
In the face of rising electricity costs, persistent power outages (loadshedding), and the emergence of domestic and international carbon taxes, there has never been a better time for businesses in South Africa to adopt renewable energy (RE) to realise significant savings on their electricity bills, lower their tax liability, secure a reliable supply…"
Published in Energy

  • Year 2023
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Localisation has become an increasingly important part of South Africa’s industrial policy as articulated by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition. At its core, it is a strategy to identify and support sectoral priorities for industrialisation. Those functions are also central to the well-known import-substitution and export-oriented models. The localisation approach remains…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2022
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla, Saul Levin, Rapula Diale, Itumeleng Mokoena, Mbofholowo Tsedu, Kelello Mashiane
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This Working Paper analyses the linkages between industrial policy and local economic development planning in South Africa in terms of both economics and governance. It outlines the role of four groups of municipalities in the economy: the largest metros (Johannesburg, Tshwane and Ekurhuleni, Cape Town and eThekwini); the five secondary cities in Mpumalanga…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2023
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla (TIPS)
A critical mechanism behind the unusually deep inequality in South Africa is the very small number, by international standards, of small businesses in the country. On the one hand, far fewer people earn livelihoods from their own businesses than in other upper middle-income countries. That fact largely explains South Africa’s extraordinarily high level…"
Published in Trade and Industry
The Black Industrialists Policy aims to increase the participation of black South Africans in operational management, rather than just financial ownership, of enterprises in key sectors and value chains. The programme was launched in 2015 by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, supported by the Industrial Development Corporation and the National Empowerment…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2022
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla with Nokwanda Maseko and Itumeleng Mokoena (TIPS)
Industrialisation cannot take off without adequate services such as logistics, engineering, finance and security, as well as human and social capital development. Moreover, the service sector generates around two thirds of the GDP and employment, and six out of seven jobs for women. An effective industrial policy, then, should incorporate measures to maximise…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2022
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Gaylor Montmasson-Clair, Gillian Chigumira, Daryl McLean, Sandra Makumbirofa
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This Research Report, along with the Policy Report, provides the ‘first draft’ of a proposed Water and Sanitation Industry Master Plan. It puts forward a vision and associated interventions, forming the foundation of a Water and Sanitation Industry Master Plan for South Africa. The reports complement the 2018 Department of Water and Sanitation …"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2021
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Industrial policy in South Africa faces the challenge of overcoming profound inequalities while building a more dynamic, productive and competitive economy. In this context, the current disruption in the electricity system provides both opportunities and threats. This paper reviews the nature, impacts and causes of the disruption as the basis for understanding the…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2021
  • Author(s) Saul Levin (TIPS)
Industry Master Plans have emerged as an important industrial policy intervention and approach to strengthening and growing South African industrial capacity. The approach to and process of developing these plans has brought about a comprehensive understanding of specific industry dynamics, engagements between key stakeholders in an industry, and the actions required to strengthen…"
Published in Policy Briefs

  • Year 2021
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This working paper provides an initial overview of the impacts and outcomes of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) policy. It also draws on business responses to a questionnaire to gain insights into the implementation process. The paper evaluates the BBBEE Codes against their core objectives – representivity in ownership, management and skilled…"
Published in Economic Regulation
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a slowdown in international trade, and disrupted global supply chains and the organisation of work. In addition, pre-existing inequalities and structural constraints on growth have been exacerbated. Economic policy interventions that have been implemented in response to the pandemic have highlighted pre-existing tensions between key economic players…"
Published in Annual Forum

  • Year 2020
  • Author(s) Saul Levin (TIPS)
The introduction of a chrome export tax, announced by Cabinet on 21 October 2020, will bring immediate benefits to the ferrochrome industry, and also presents an opportunity for South Africa to support the development of the downstream industry. In the context of a post-COVID-19 recovery plan, industrial development is a priority and requires…"
Published in Policy Briefs
Business Day - 3 September 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist) Read online at Business Day. Or read as a PDF."
Published in TIPS In the News

  • Year 2019
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla
In August 2019, the National Treasury released a discussion paper on economic policy for comment, titled Economic transformation, inclusive growth, and competitiveness: Towards an Economic Strategy for South Africa. The paper lists a compendium of proposals loosely arranged around six “fundamental building blocks” for sustainable growth plus a host of “growth reforms” organised…"
Published in Policy Briefs

  • Year 2019
  • Author(s) Saul Levin, Neva Makgetla
The relaunch of industrial policy from early 2019 included proposals for Master Plans for priority industries. The Master Plan approach sets a framework for constructive engagement and implementation that can respond to changing circumstances and evidence. This policy brief draws on experience with the development of Master Plans for various sectors as well…"
Published in Policy Briefs
The paper considers new heterodox theoretical contributions to the industrial policy debate in developing countries. Specifically it focuses on the challenge of “getting industrial policy right in circumstances where the country is run by flawed leaders presiding over a politically weak and internally fragmented state” (Change 2010). The paper covers new theoretical thinking…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Mbofholowo Tsedu
The 2007 launch of the National Industrial Policy Framework (NIPF) and the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) could not have anticipated the impact that the global financial crisis of 2008/2009 and subsequent recession would wreak on South Africa’s economy. With its strong focus on the manufacturing sector as a key driver of balanced development, the…"
Published in Policy Briefs
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