
Trade and Industry

14 February 2023

Black Industrialists Profiles

The Black Industrialists Policy aims to increase the participation of black South Africans in operational management, rather than just financial ownership, of enterprises in key sectors and value chains. The programme was launched in 2015 by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, supported by the Industrial Development Corporation and the National Empowerment Fund.

The Black Industrialists Conference in August 2022 examined the impact of the Black Industrialists Programme and explored support measures to boost entry of black-owned businesses and producers into the mainstream economy. It also showcased the work of black industrialists. As an input into the conference, TIPS prepared nine case studies on black industrialists. Renee Grawitzky conducted the research and interviews, and TIPS provided the industry context and looked at the broader developmental objectives.

CapeBio Technologies: biotechnology company

Easy Farm: farms and exports cirtus 

Equal ELM Trading: designs and manufactures engine protection systems for the mining, construction, and transport industries

Flat-Foot Engineering: mechanical engineering provider

Ikusasa Green: manufactures roto-moulded cooler boxes

Microfinish: manufactures parts for the auto world industry

Pambili Media: film production company

PepsiCo ESOP: employee ownership scheme

Sindane Mining Ventures: civil engineering and equipment-rental company

Last modified on 15 February 2023