
TIPS - Manufacturing Sector

  • Year 2017
  • Organisation University of Cape Town
  • Author(s) Anthony Black; Stephanie Craig; Paul Dunne
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 2: Manufacturing and sustainable development: South African experiences"

  • Year 2017
  • Organisation GreenCape
  • Author(s) Sarah O’Carrol; Lauren Basson; Jarrod Lyons; Sam Smout; Henry Nuwarinda
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 2: Manufacturing and sustainable development: South African experiences"

  • Year 2017
  • Organisation National Planning Commission, Namibia
  • Author(s) Victoria Nambinga
  • Countries and Regions Namibia
Session 3: Manufacturing and sustainable development: International experiences"

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation University of Pretoria
  • Author(s) Dr Jason Musyoka
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 5: Mining and Economic Growth"

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Mbofholowo Tsedu
The 2007 launch of the National Industrial Policy Framework (NIPF) and the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) could not have anticipated the impact that the global financial crisis of 2008/2009 and subsequent recession would wreak on South Africa’s economy. With its strong focus on the manufacturing sector as a key driver of balanced development, the…"
Published in Policy Briefs

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation Professor Samantha Ashman (University of Johannesburg); Dr Susan Newman (International Institute of Social Studies
  • Author(s) Samantha Ashman; Susan Newman
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 1: Regional manufacturing and industrial policy 1 Paper to follow"
In 2014, South Africa remained one of the most unequal countries in the world, an outlier by global standards in terms of both overall inequality as measured by the Gini coefficient and levels of joblessness. For proponents of industrialisation as central to long-term development, this situation raises two questions. First, how does manufacturing…"

  • Year 2014
  • Author(s) Blessing Chipanda
Promoting exports to develop manufacturing remains a key growth strategy in the National Development Plan. Super-exporters dominate almost all South Africa's export sectors. They are the main drivers of export growth and they define the country's export structure. However, despite their dominance, super-exporters have been losing dynamism and competitiveness, with 93% of these…"
Published in Policy Briefs
This paper examines the pattern of trade between IBSA countries for the period 2001-2008. We find that trade between the countries has been on the increase. After the IBSA initiative was established in 2003, each country recorded a significant growth in its trade with other IBSA countries in 2004, leading to a large…"
Published in Trade and Industry
Significant reforms of the services sector have been conducted in Uganda since 1987, motivated, in part, by the common notion that efficiency in the provision of services can deliver productivity growth in all sectors of the economy, which in turn stimulates overall economic growth and development. Given that the demand for services is…"
Since the mid-1990s, South Africa has made considerable progress in opening ups its trade regime. In 1994 South Africa committed itself to reducing and simplifying its tariff levels and structure in accordance with it offer under the GATT Uruguay Round. As a consequence tariffs have fallen, although the number of tariff rates and…"
Published in SADC Trade Development
The barrier model of productivity growth suggests that individual country productivity is related to the world technology frontier disturbed by national barriers. We offer a country study of the barrier model, exploiting the dramatic changes in the linkages to the world economy in South Africa (SA).The productivity growth in the manufacturing sector panel…"

  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) Neil Rankin, Mans Soderbom and Francis Teal
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper investigates whether African manufacturing exporters are more productive than non-exporters and whether these productivity differences precede entry into the export market. We find at expoters are more productive but that productivity does not matter for entry into t export market - suggesting that learning by exporting is important. We investigate the…"

  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) Simon Hess
  • Countries and Regions South Africa, Southern African Development Community (SADC)
The current implementation of a free trade area in SADC has given rise to concerns that the present location of industry in the region will be adversely affected. Specifically, many of the smaller and less-developed countries fear that this change will result in a loss of their industry towards the more developed members,…"

  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) Ryan Hawthorne, Reena Das Nair and Keith Bowen
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Between January 2002 and July 2005, the South African exchange rate has appreciated by more than 30 per cent. At the same time, there has been widespread news coverage of the decline in several manufacturing sectors, notably clothing and textiles. Over the same period, commodity prices have risen substantially. The gold price rose…"

  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) J.W. Fedderke and A.K. Fitschen
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper examines growth patterns in the Western Cape over the 1970-1996 period by means of primal growth accounting decompositions. Evidence by magisterial district, by statistical region and by SIC 3-digit manufacturing sector is presented. We find that the Western Cape differs from national growth patterns. Manufacturing in the Western Cape has relied…"

  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) Johannes Fedderke;Yongcheol Shin
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper advances on previous work on the effects of trade and technical change on labour markets within the framework of Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory. First, we employ dynamic heterogeneous panel estimation techniques not previously used in thiscontext, which separate Heckscher-Ohlin-based long run relationships from short run dynamics that are heterogeneous across sectors. Second,…"

  • Year 2005
  • Author(s) Ryan Hawthorne;Reena Das Nair;Keith Bowen
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Ryan Hawthorne, Reena Das Nair and Keith Bowen of Johannesburg Economics presented this paper at the TIPS/DPRU/UNU-WIDER Forum 2005. It finds that there may be reasons other than high commodity prices for the general lacklustre growth in manufacturing output, the decline in manufacturing employment and the increase in employment in the skills-intensive sectors…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Imraan Valodia and Myriam Velia
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
We begin by presenting an overview of manufacturing in the Durban area and report on the GDMA survey, highlighting the methodology and key objectives and findings of the survey. We then focus on the international trade issues, reporting on how firms in the GDMA are responding to trade liberalisation. We report here on…"

  • Year 2004
  • Author(s) Thandi Phele; Simon Roberts; Ian Steuart
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper examines the impact of national developments and policies on the development of industry in Ekurhuleni. It assesses role of local government in industrial development in light of recent literature addressing agglomeration effects, industrial districts, and the development of local economic competencies and institutions. The analysis draws on recent work on the…"
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