
Past Projects

29 April 2010

Examining South-South Trade Flows and Market Access Conditions: A Case Study of the India, Brazil and South Africa Development Initiative

This paper examines the pattern of trade between IBSA countries for the period 2001-2008. We find that trade between the countries has been on the increase. After the IBSA initiative was established in 2003, each country recorded a significant growth in its trade with other IBSA countries in 2004, leading to a large intra-IBSA trade increase of 43.45%. Intra-IBSA trade continued to rise thereafter peaking at US$26 497.7million in 2008, a 40.97% growth from the previous year.

With regards to South Africa's exports with Brazil, we find that the mining sector dominates. In the manufacturing sector, high-technology followed by medium-technology manufactures dominates. South Africa's chief imports from Brazil are largely with manufactures, particularly of high-technology goods followed by medium-technology imports. The agricultural sector is the second most significant sector after manufacturing.