
TIPS - Regional Integration

  • Year 2021
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Liako Mofo
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
This paper looks at the potential increase in regional gains, particularly in Lesotho and South Africa, through the wool value chain, with the aim of increasing regional productivity and the distribution of wealth through wool production. It also looks into the constraints that domestic, regional and international demand pose for the wool industry…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation TIPS and ZIPAR
  • Author(s) Sithembiso Mtanga (TIPS), Francis Ziba (ZIPAR) and Bernard Tembo (ZIPAR)
  • Countries and Regions Zambia
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states have placed industrial development at the core of the region’s integrated development agenda. This report by Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) and the Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis & Research (ZIPAR) is part of a programme that seeks to identify existing and potential opportunities…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2020
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Neva Makgetla and Saul Levin (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Greater regional integration would support economic diversification and industrialisation in Southern Africa by expanding markets for consumers and capital goods as well as drawing together capacities from different of countries. It would, however, require a greater degree of specialisation between nations to permit economies of scale. In this context, the concept of regional…"
Published in Trade and Industry
Business Day - 28 October 2019 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist) Read online at Business Day. Or read as a PDF."
Published in TIPS In the News

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation UNU-WIDER
  • Author(s) Tracy Ledger (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
WIDER Working Paper 2019/61 This working paper, Charity begins at home The political economy of non-tariff barriers to trade in Southern Africa, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract Increased intra-regional trade in southern Africa will have a positive impact on eonomic growth. However, this requires a shifting…"
Published in Trade and Industry
WIDER Working Paper 2019/38 This working paper, Moving up the copper value chain in Southern Africa, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract t: Interest in industrial hemp has revived in the past 20 years. Malawi is considering legalizing the cultivation of industrial hemp as an alternative cash crop…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation UNU-WIDER
  • Author(s) Sithembiso Mtanga and Richard McCamel (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
WIDER Working Paper 2019/38 This working paper, Motorcycle parts and aftermarket industry regional value chain in Southern Africa, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract This paper provides an overview of the structure, key functions, and characteristics of the motorcycle parts and aftermarket industries in Southern Africa in order…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2019
  • Organisation UNU-WIDER
  • Author(s) Sandy Lowitt (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
WIDER Working Paper 2019/26 This working paper, Black cat, white cat - lessons to be learned from ASEAN, forms part of the project: Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) Abstract There is some consensus at present that SADC needs to re-imagine itself and breathe new life into its somewhat moribund structure. The…"
Published in Trade and Industry
This paper argues that adopting a “developmental regionalism” approach to trade integration provides the best prospects for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to catalyse the process of transformative industrial development, cross-border investment and democracy, governance, peace and security in Africa. It also looks at the progress being made by African countries…"
Published in Trade and Industry
The energy landscape in Southern Africa has been rapidly evolving over the last decades. An economy-wide transition to sustainability is underway, with energy at its core. In addition, a progressive movement of regional integration with numerous energy-related initiatives is taking place, principally through the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP). At the same time,…"
Published in Trade and Industry
This study provides an overview and analysis of the structure, key functions and characteristics of the forestry value chain operating in and among South Africa, Mozambique and Tanzania in order to identify market opportunities and the interventions required to support the growth of the regional value chain. The research focuses on three value…"
Published in Trade and Industry
Technical regulations refer to standards and compulsory specifications that apply to certain products and processes, and which can play an important role in regional trade. Firms that wish to trade in value chains need to be able to comply with the regulations set by lead firms and state regulators, or risk being excluded…"
Published in Trade and Industry
The paper begins with a broad contextual overview of the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC’s) transport and logistics performance in terms of the Logistics Performance Index and tracks the performance of individual member states in the decade from 2007. Two interesting findings emerge. First that the better performing SADC member states have been…"
Published in Trade and Industry

  • Year 2017
  • Organisation Journal of World Trade 51, no. 1
  • Author(s) Dr Faizel Ismail
This paper argues that the dramatic changes in the trade architecture of the world during the first decade of the new millennium have created both opportunities and challenges for Africa’s development. African countries need to develop proactive strategies to harness these new changes and use them to advance the integration of the African…"
Published in External Publications

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation China Institute, Canada
  • Author(s) Daouda Cisse
  • Countries and Regions China, South Africa
Session 5: International lessons There are huge opportunities for African countries to trade among themselves and invest in each other's economies, but the African market remains fragmented, hampering cross border trade and investments. Even though African governments are pushing for regional trade integration, challenges and difficulties exist. Limited financial resources, tariff and non-tariff…"

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Nancy Mashodo
  • Countries and Regions Asia, European Union (EU)
Session 5: International lessons As Africa pursues regional integration due to increasing globalisation, the European Union is an example that Africa could learn from. The EU has been a forerunner in the movement of regional integration since the creation of the European Coal and steel Community in 1952 and the establishment of the…"

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation USAID/Southern Africa Trade Hub
  • Author(s) Brian Glancy
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 4: Market integration and trade Paper to follow"

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation SOAS
  • Author(s) Benjamin Eveslage
  • Countries and Regions Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU), Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Session 4: Market integration and trade Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and their outcomes for developmental purposes have puzzled economists and governments, motivating a considerable literature on their supposed benefits and drawbacks. At the same time, the number of RTAs in sub-Saharan Africa has exploded – a proliferation referred to by the IMF and…"

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation Trade Law Centre, tralac
  • Author(s) Trudi Hartzenberg; William Mwanza
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Session 4: Market integration and trade Industrial development concerns have now become a priority focus in Africa. This is, in some measure, prompted by developments in commodities sectors, where the need for beneficiation of minerals and value addition of the continent's natural resources is enjoying priority focus. There is also recognition that a…"

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Christopher Wood (SAIIA), Clarence Siziba (WTI),
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 3: Regional manufacturing and industrial policy 2 This paper explores the literature on the economics of border areas, and introduces the concept of a Border Development Zone. It compiles a compendium of BDZ case studies, presenting 43 examples of border development projects, and attempts to draw lessons from these experiences. It presents…"
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