
Trade and Industry

19 May 2020

The electrotechnical industry regional value chain in Southern Africa A case for South Africa and Zambia

  • Year: 2019
  • Organisation: TIPS and ZIPAR
  • Author(s): Sithembiso Mtanga (TIPS), Francis Ziba (ZIPAR) and Bernard Tembo (ZIPAR)
  • Countries and Regions: Zambia

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states have placed industrial development at the core of the region’s integrated development agenda. This report by Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) and the Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis & Research (ZIPAR) is part of a programme that seeks to identify existing and potential opportunities to further the development of specific value chains among and across SADC member states.

The paper explores and assesses regional competitiveness and opportunities in the electrotechnical industry for both South Africa and Zambia. It offers an in-depth assessment of the structure and status of the electrotechnical value chain in these countries by presenting production and consumption patterns, input suppliers and producers, export markets for products from the sectors, as well as the import patterns in relevant subsectors. This research looks at these themes for the purpose of informing cross-cutting country policy initiatives based on a shared understanding of industrial development challenges at a regional level.

Last modified on 20 May 2020