
Quality Infrastructure and Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery

  • Date: Monday, 25 October 2021
  • Venue: Zoom


Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke -  Partner at Mesopartner

Presentation: Global trends in Quality Infrastructure

Eduardo Trajano Gadret - Researcher-Technologist in Metrology and Qualith at INMENTO

Presentation: Quality Infrastructure in Brazil

Martin Chesire - Chief Executive Officer at Kenya Accreditation Service (KENAS)

Presentation: Quality Infrastructure in Kenya


14:00: Facilitator opens the seminar: Saul Levin

14:05: Opening remarks Tshenge Demana: Quality Infrastructure in support of industrial development

14:10-14:20 Global trends in Quality Infrastructure: Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke

14:20-14:45 Presentations on international experience in Quality Infrastructure institutional role:

  • Eduardo Trajano Gadret: QI in Brazil
  • Martin Chesire: QI in Kenya

14:45-15:15 Discussion and engagement on how experiences of QI development could enrich South Africa in the context of Post-COVID-19 economic recovery

15:15 Closure


South Africa’s industrial policy aims to bring about a change in the structure of the economy to put the economy on a more inclusive, industrialised and sustainable path. Quality Infrastructure (QI) institutions (SABS, NMISA, NRCS, and SANAS) are part and parcel of industrial policy measures, with international experience seeing a correlation between levels of economic development and robustness or effectiveness of a country’s QI. With the QI system evolving globally and an improved understanding of its critical role in industrial policy, consideration needs to be given to its role in post-COVID-19 economic recovery plans. 

This Development Dialogue will provide an overview of the importance of Quality Infrastructure in industrial developments and look at international experiences and the role of these institutions. The dialogue will then open up to discussion on how these institutions play a key role to support South Africa in a post-COVID-19 economic recovery period.

For more about the Institutional alignment of Quality Infrastructure in South Africa and links to case studies on QI in Australia, Brazil, Kenya and the Republic of Korea, go to Quality Infrastructure case studies.

About the Speakers

Eduardo Trajano Gadret
 is Researcher-Technologist in Metrology and Quality at INMETRO
Martin Chesire is Chief Executive Officer at Kenya Accreditation Service (KENAS)
Saul Levin is the Executive Director of TIPS
Tshenge Demana is a Chief Director in the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition
Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke is a partner at Mesopartner

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