
Policy Dialogue on Special Economic Zones and Lessons from Asia

  • Date: Thursday, 30 July 2015
  • Venue: Burgers Park Hotel, 424 Lilian Ngoyi St, Pretoria
  • Main Speakers: Tetsuya Fukunaga from JICA and Jun Morikawa from Hankyu Hanshin Express Co Ltd.
  • For enquiries or to register please contact:

Event: Thursday, 30 July 2015, 09:00 – 12:00 followed by lunch

TIPS, in association with the Department of Trade and Industry, the Embassy of Japan and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), hosted this workshop to discuss the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) programme and the lessons emanating from the Asian experience. The objective of was to reflect on the policy experiences of SEZs in Asia, and to have practical discussions on relevance to South Africa.  As South Africa deepens and expands its approach to using SEZ as a lever of industrial policy, it is important to understand the lessons from Asia and experiences of Japanese companies.  

This workshop is part of a series that aims to highlight policy lessons from industrial development in Asia, and to have discussions with high level government officials. The Embassy of Japan was responsible for bringing out the two speakers, who both have extensive experience working in both an Asian and African context, with important insights.