
Sustainable Growth

Green Economy (11)

South Africa’s vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) value chain currently lies in raw material output, electrolyte production, and locally manufactured balance of plant components. However, there is potential for a more significant role to be played along the value chain. To foster the growth of a domestic VRFB industry, it…
Waste tyres are a problematic waste stream. While figures provided vary, it is estimated that 10.9 million waste tyres enter the waste stream per annum (about 300 000 tonnes), with an estimated 900 000 tonnes stockpiled. An estimated 93 400 tonnes of tyres were collected for processing in 2021 (about…
The world of mobility is rapidly evolving worldwide. Technological developments are notably enabling the diversification of drivetrains, away from traditional internal combustion engines (ICE) towards electric and other alternative motors. While EVs still account for a marginal share of global vehicle sales, the shift is evident in leading markets. All…
As South Africa responds to COVID-19 as well as aims to stimulate the economy and job creation post the lockdown through an infrastructure-led package, an opportunity should not be missed to address many of the water and sanitation challenges in the country. This is much needed and would provide multiple benefits…
South Africa aims to transition to an inclusive green economy, combining economic development, social progress and environmental preservation. Both the economy and society remain, however, highly unsustainable. Targeting the transition to an inclusive green economy therefore signifies a massive and disruptive shift, commanding a new model of development. Industrial policy…
Sugar is a key agricultural industry for South Africa, with sugarcane being the second largest South African field crop by gross value, surpassed only by maize. The industry generates R14 billion in revenues, with sugarcane farming contributing around 64% of this figure, employing up to 85 000 people across the…
In 2015, TIPS, at the request of the then Department of Science and Technology, undertook a project to define "green research and development (R&D)" and determine the levels of green R&D investment in South Africa. In 2019, TIPS was requested by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) to update…
Biomaterials – plastics and composite-like technologies derived from waste and plant matter – offer an opportunity to help reduce the environmental impact of traditional plastics, while safeguarding the economic contribution made by the plastics and chemicals industry. This report proposes an action plan and implementation strategy to further the development…
The third Partnership for Action on the Green Economy (PAGE) Ministerial Conference was held in Cape Town in January 2019. The theme of the conference was Advancing Inclusive and Sustainable Economies. More than 500 leaders and innovators from the government, private and the civil society sectors from more than 50…
The third Partnership for Action on the Green Economy (PAGE) Ministerial Conference was held in Cape Town in January 2019. The theme of the conference was Advancing Inclusive and Sustainable Economies. More than 500 leaders and innovators from the government, private and the civil society sectors from more than 50…
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