
The Presidency/ComMark Trust Sector Workshop

  • Date: Thursday, 25 November 2004
  • Venue: Midrand Conference Centre

The Presidency and the ComMark Trust, in collaboration with TIPS, hosted a workshop to assess and discuss the prospects of key sectors of the South African economy in preparation for the Presidency's contribution to the January 2005 Cabinet Lekgotla:

  • The sectoral, micro-level dynamics and trends of key sectors;
  • The constraints and opportunities which these sectors face in both the domestic and export markets;
  • The policy levers available to government to invigorate sector development;

  • The likely growth potential of individual sectors if identified constraints could be addressed effectively; and

  • The likely spill-over effects of sectoral growth for the macroeconomy. The aim of the workshop was to inform government policy and planning processes at both departmental and inter-departmental levels through the research presented and the discussions and research work that followed. Papers were presented on a wide range of sectors, including the automotive, metals and machinery, chemicals, clothing, business process outsourcing, telecommunications, tourism, grain milling and wine industries. TIPS presented a South African Sectoral Outlook for 2004-2009. Approximately 50 delegates attended this workshop, with significant numbers from the private sector and government departments. The business media widely reported on the workshop and its debates as an important forecast of South African economic performance for the next five years.