
SATPP Policy Dialogue Workshop: DBSA Infrastructure Barometer

  • Date: Wednesday, 19 April 2006
  • Venue: NEDLAC, 14A Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg

As part of the DFID-funded South Africa Trade and Poverty Programme and its objective to promote informed dialogue on South Africa's trade policy amongst key stakeholders, TIPS in 2005 implemented a seminar series under the auspices of Nedlac. These seminars provided a platform for government and civil society representatives (business, labour and broader social interest groups) to discuss critical issues concerning the role of trade policy in fostering poverty reduction and human development in South Africa

During February 2006 much media attention was given to the R372-billion set aside by government for infrastructure investment. But is infrastructure a household term? What entails infrastructure, which are the major sectors? What are the special characteristics of national infrastructure and of household level infrastructure; and where are the backlogs in investment? What are the unique challenges facing each? Will the proposed investments be a quantum leap forward or merely a catch-up? Can municipalities afford to rollout services to all and keep those services running?

These are some of the issues discussed and questions answered in the DBSA Infrastructure Barometer 2006, presented at Nedlac as part of the SATPP Policy Dialogue series.

DFID The seminar is part of the the South Africa Trade and Poverty Programme (SATPP) funded by the Department For International Development (DFID-SA), and is organised by NEDLAC and TIPS.