
Trade and Sustainable Development: Regional Trade and Investment Regimes

  • Date: Friday, 08 February 2008
  • Venue: Jan Smuts House, East Campus, Wits University
  • For enquiries or to register please contact: RSVP: Judy Govender by 4th February, Tel: (011) 339 2021, Fax: (011) 339 2154, Email:
The South African Institute of International Affairs and The International Institute for Sustainable Development
cordially invites you to a Roundtable discussion on:

Trade and Sustainable Development: Regional Trade and Investment Regimes

The interface between trade and environmental impacts has long been a topic of heated debates. �Â� As sustainable development concerns grow worldwide, how is Southern Africa shaping up to meet the challenge? We consider this question through two sample studies. First, trade agreements and associated trade flows have implications for economic growth and therefore environmental impacts. �Â� We will look at the extent to which regional trading arrangements, both concluded and prospective; take account of sustainable development concerns. �Â� Second, sustainable development is not conceivable without economic growth. Investment is a key economic growth driver, but requires conducive regulatory regimes. In this light we consider how the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) is consolidating its regional agenda in the field of investment policies, and whether there is scope for developing a common platform for negotiating investment regimes with partners external to the region. Note: Funding is available to support non-South African participants. �Â� Should you wish to apply - by Friday 25th January - please email Peter Draper:


Note: This programme is subject to change without prior notice

  • 10h00 �Â� "Regional Trading Arrangements and Sustainable Development" Wolfe Braude (Emet Consulting) and Khutsafalo Sekolokwane (BIDPA)
  • 10h40 �Â� Discussions
  • 11h20 "SACU Investment Regimes: Towards Harmonization" Sheila Kiratu (SAIIA)
  • 12h00 �Â� Discussions
  • 12h45 �Â� Closure and lunch�Â� �Â� �Â� �Â� �Â�