
Current TIPS Projects

Trade and Industry

Department of Trade and Industry

TIPS is working on several projects with the dti and continues to support some of the department’s sector desks, including the automotive, agro-processing, chemicals, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals desks.

In the automotive sector TIPS is working on a project to support the dti with the review of the automotive incentive. The current research for the agro-processing sector includes a review of abalone, a feasibility study on cassava for industrial uses and developmental food systems. Support is ongoing with the other sector desks and comprises data support and research.

Another important project that TIPS is working on with the dti is Regional Value Chains. This follows the completion of a joint project between TIPS, CCRED at the University of Johannesburg, and CSID at the University of the Witwatersrand, with involvement from research organisations in Zambia and Zimbabwe. This research looked at three value chains: the mining capital equipment value chain in South Africa and Zambia; the soy value chain in South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe; and the construction value chain in Mozambique and South Africa. The current project will expand the number of regional value chains that are reviewed and part of the work includes identifying possible projects for collaboration between South Africa and other countries in the region. This project will be undertaken in partnership with CCRED and, similar to the earlier project, research organisations in other African countries will form part of the team.

Industrial Development Research Programme

TIPS is providing support for the roll out of a research programme on key industrial development issues gripping the country. This project is being undertaken in partnership with the dti and the United Nations Development Programme.

Manufacturing Circle

TIPS has established a partnership with the Manufacturing Circle and provides support for its quarterly bulletin that reviews the status of the manufacturing sector. The findings of the survey are released to the public and also presented at a quarterly TIPS Development Dialogue. The bulletin provides important insights in the challenges and progress of manufacturing firms.

National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC)

Over the past few years TIPS has undertaken several research projects for NEDLAC, presented to NEDLAC Chambers as well as partnered with NEDLAC on jointly hosting a Development Dialogue. Currently TIPS is completing a research paper for NEDLAC that looks at regional industrialisation.

Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency

DPME has developed an approach for government departments to review proposed legislation that looks at the planned as well as unintended consequences of legislation. The approach is intended to strengthen new legislation coming out and take social and economic factors into consideration; and was adopted by Cabinet as a requirement for new legislation. TIPS has been providing support to DPME as they roll out the programme and will also assist with the development of a Community of Practice to support the effective implementation of SEIAS (socio-economic impact assessment system).

Sustainable Growth

Electricity War Room

The Electricity War Room was set up to address the electricity challenges facing the country in early 2015. In addition to the economic research that TIPS undertook for the War Room, support is being provided for a research project to assessing possible options for the electricity sector going forward.

Green Economy Project for the Department of Trade and Industry

This project involves the development and design of instruments to better understand the transition of South African industries towards a low-carbon trajectory.

City of Johannesburg Solar PV

In partnership with WWF-South Africa, TIPS is assisting the City of Johannesburg and City Power with a research project to look at the possibility of greater use of solar PV by CoJ. TIPS and WWF are conducting a regulatory, policy, technical, financial and institutional review of all possible options for CoJ and City Power to increase the role of solar PV in the municipality.

Department of Science and Technology Baseline for Green Economy Research

TIPS is finalising a pioneering project for the DST with the aim of establishing a baseline of both the public and private R&D investments in support of a green economy.

Inequality and Economic Inclusion

Economies of Regions Learning Network

TIPS provides ongoing support to the ERLN programme (

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