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Industrial Policy Reference Resource

Industrial Policy Reference Resource (191)

The Industrial Policy Reference Resource is a bibliography of key South African and international references on industrial policy and related subjects. It was developed with financial assistance from the Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) and the Department for International Development (DFID).

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This paper explores how growth and job creation depend on private sector choices concerning how to produce, that is the relative proportions of capital and…

  • Authors Michael Samson, Kenneth Mac Quene and Ingrid van Niekerk
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation TIPS/EPRI/USAID
  • Publisher TIPS
Recent research has demonstrated the possibility of welfare-enhancing industrial policy. This paper analyses the impact of industrial policy on Japan's trade pattern, and explores the…

  • Authors Marcus Noland
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation John Hopkins University
  • Publisher John Hopkins University
This article explores the contradictions between the industrial policies of the EU and EU national states and the Single Market program of elimination of NTBs…

  • Authors Gilberto Sarfati
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation EIOP
  • Publisher ECSA-A
We study the impact of government's budget constraint on the privatization decision of increasing returns to scale industry. Privatization is associated with prices liberalization, public…

  • Authors Emmanuelle Auriol and Pierre Picard
  • Year 2004
  • Organisation University of Toulouse and University of Manchester
  • Publisher SSRN
Catching-up of East German productivity to West German levels has halted completely since the mid l990s. The remaining productivity gap cannot be attributed to an…

  • Authors Henning Klodt
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation Kiel Institute of World Economics
  • Publisher Blackwell Publishers
The paper attempts to document the various kinds of industrial and technology policy that have commonly be put in practice and then to provide indicators…

  • Authors Rakesh Mohan
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation National Council of Applied Economic Research
  • Publisher NCEAR
Through a study of the plastics sector in South Africa, the article critically examines the pro-globalisation position that greater openness yields gains from exports and…

  • Authors Simon Roberts
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation University of Witwatersrand
  • Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Although the Constitution envisages an economic system for Lao PDR based on market mechanisms, a review of the government's overall approach to industrial planning concludes…

  • Authors UNIDO
  • Year 2003
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
South Africa's current industrial policy has a two level focus: sectoral and spatial. The former (addressed here) deals with improving the performance and competitiveness of…

  • Authors H Nel and G Makuwaza
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation Rhodes University
  • Publisher SA Economic Society
This paper has a discrete, bounded and limited focus. It is about the role of government in facilitating cluster development in developing country contexts. The…

  • Authors Mike Morris, Glen Robbins and Justin Barnes
  • Year 2004
  • Organisation UKZN
  • Publisher School of Development Studies
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