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Industrial Policy Reference Resource

Industrial Policy Reference Resource (191)

The Industrial Policy Reference Resource is a bibliography of key South African and international references on industrial policy and related subjects. It was developed with financial assistance from the Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) and the Department for International Development (DFID).

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As a professional economist, I have a deeply-rooted skepticism about the capacity of government to manage economic growth or technological change more efficiently than the…

  • Authors James C. Miller III
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
One of the principal motivations for the establishment of an industrial policy in the United States is to counteract or facilitate structural change in the…

  • Authors Bruce Bartlett
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
As its contemporary advocates employ the term, "industrial policy" imports a peculiar form of governmental intervention in the evolutionary process of the market economy.1 In…

  • Authors Edwin Vieira Jr.
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
The advocacy of an "industrial policy" or a more extensive "government-business partnership" has come into vogue in recent years in the United States, particularly among…

  • Authors Katsuro Sakoh
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute

  • Authors Don Lavole
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute

  • Authors Ministry of defence UK
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation Ministry of Defence UK
  • Publisher Ministry of Defence UK
This paper critically reviews the East Asian Miracle Report and relates to the debate around the existence of industrial policy in these countries, and whether…

  • Authors Ha-Joon Chang
  • Year 1999
  • Organisation The World Bank
  • Publisher n/a
This book maps the policy process and political economy of policymaking in Africa. Its focus on trade and industrial policy makes it unique in the…

  • Authors Charles C. Soludo, Osita Ogbu & Ha-Joon Chang
  • Year 2004
  • Organisation International Development Research Centre
  • Publisher Africa World Press

  • Authors Ha-Joon Chang
  • Year 2006
  • Organisation European Investment Bank
  • Publisher n/a
This paper examines the experience of Hungary with the development and implementation of its industrial policy. Hungary is a particularly interesting case study for several…

  • Authors Josef C. Brada
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
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