
This paper argues that the dramatic changes in the trade architecture of the world during the first decade of the new millennium have created both opportunities and challenges for Africa’s development. African countries need to develop proactive strategies to harness these new changes and use them to advance the integration…

  • Year 2017
  • Organisation Journal of World Trade 51, no. 1
  • Author(s) Dr Faizel Ismail
Published in External Publications
Main bulletin: The Real Economy Bulletin - First Quarter 2016 In this edition: Production and sales: The first quarter of 2016 was marked by a contraction in GDP, with the economy reported as shrinking by 0,3%, or 1,2% on an annualised basis. The immediate cause of the downturn was a 4,9% quarterly decline (equal to 18% in annualised terms) in mining and a 1,7% fall (or 6,5% at an annual rate) in agriculture. These contractions had a particularly sharp impact on overall growth because of a longer-term slowdown in growth in manufacturing and, to a lesser extent, the rest of the…
Published in Quarterly Bulletin
The TIPS Annual Forum 2016 was held in partnership with the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development and the SARChI Chair in Industrial Development at the University of Johannesburg, and the United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), and in association with the Departments of Trade and…
Published in Annual Forum
Session 9: Energy Utilisation

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation Energy Research Centre
  • Author(s) Jesse Burton; Tara Caetano; Alison Hughes; Bruno Merven; Fadiel Ahjum; Bryce McCall
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 9: Energy Utilisation

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Gaylor Montmasson-Clair
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 8: Minerals Beneficiation 

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation ZEPARU
  • Author(s) Cornelius Dube
  • Countries and Regions Zimbabwe
Session 7: Mining Communities and Migrancy

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Author(s) Mpho Ndaba
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 7: Mining Communities and Migrancy

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Dr Tacy Ledger
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 7: Mining Communities and Migrancy  

  • Year 2016
  • Author(s) Chere Monaisa
Session 6: Industrial Development

  • Organisation UNECA
  • Author(s) Paul Msoma
  • Countries and Regions Africa
Session 6: Industrial Development

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation Akinseye Olowu; Edwin Ijeoma; Rachel Masu
  • Author(s) Joseph Ayo Babalola University
  • Countries and Regions Africa
Session 5: Mining and Economic Growth

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation Central Bank of Lesotho
  • Author(s) Senei Molapo; Moeti Damane
  • Countries and Regions Lesotho
Session 5: Mining and Economic Growth

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Author(s) Dr Olwaumi D Awolusi
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Session 5: Mining and Economic Growth

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation University of Pretoria
  • Author(s) Dr Jason Musyoka
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 4: Sustainable Growth

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation UNU-MERIT
  • Author(s) Dr Michiko Iizuka; Fernando Vargas; Jakob Baumann
  • Countries and Regions Latin America
Session 4: Sustainable Growth 

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation WWF; TIPS
  • Author(s) Ellen Davies; Georgina Ryan; Gaylor Montmasson-Clair; Manisha Gulati
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 4 SustainableGrowth  

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation Rhodes University
  • Author(s) David Fryer and Serge Hadisi
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Sesion 3: Financial Flows

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Asanda Fotoyi
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 3: Financial Flows 

  • Year 2016
  • Organisation Kingston University, London; SOAS
  • Author(s) Dr Ewa Karwowski; Pedro Mendes Laureiro
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