
TIPS assisted with undertaking background research for the National Export Strategy and the National Investment Promotion Strategy. The projects included research, surveys as well as stakeholder engagements and consultations. (2013)

TIPS undertook several sectors studies for the department of trade and industry (the dti) to assist with inputs into the Industrial Policy Action Plan. The sector studies look at a number of data points (i.e. trade, production, employment, etc) in these sectors, as well as market demand and industry dynamics.

Monday, 22 December 2014

South Africa-Indonesia cooperation

A review of trade trends between South Africa and Indonesia and a road map to future bilateral relations. (2014)

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Technical regulations enforcement

This study looked at the strategic use of technical regulations enforcement and other supportive interventions in supporting consumer protection and quality manufacturing (2013-2014). See Policy Brief

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Regional value chains

TIPS, in partnership with CCRED at the University of Johannesburg, CSID at the University of the Witwatersrand, UNZA in Zambia and AIAS in Zimbabwe undertook a four country study looking at the soya, infrastructure and capital equipment value chains. (2014-2015)

This research analysed the types of intellectual property and the impact by sector and type of enterprise on investment, production and employment. It looked at the legal and other obstacles to innovation in South Africa with a number of case studies, and also at policy options for tracking innovation and addressing legal and other blockages, especially for emerging enterprises.

This research project explored the intended outcomes of the 2007 National Industrial Policy Framework (NIPF) and assessed some of the progress (and unintended consequences) achieved in implementing the Industrial Policy Action Plan since 2008. (2015). See policy brief.

Since the launch of the APDP there has been significant changes to the global economy, which has impacted on the automotive sector as well as the production incentive. A review was undertaken to better understand how the incentive has been working, the growth in the automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and the impact on the downstream producers.

This research project looked at the potential for the development of the Nigerian automotive sector as part of their diversification away from oil. While many constraints exist there is potential, a history of domestic manufacturing and significant market size to grow their domestic industrial base through automotive production.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Mining Phakisa

The Mining Phakisa was a South African government initiative led by the Presidency based on a “quick, fast results” methodology developed initially in Malaysia that brings together all stakeholders in the industry into a “lab” with the aim of identifying constraints and developing a shared vision and growth strategy for the long-term development and transformation of the sector.

TIPS provided research support for the Mining Phakisa. This involved providing support to the secretariat as well as undertaking and contracting research. Sixteen briefing notes and 11 research reports were prepared, including on the following topics: environmental effects; mining sector and municipalities; infrastructure financing and costing; an analysis of investment in mining; opportunities for local procurement; upstream and downstream linkages in the mining value chain and the cost structure of mining industry. These briefing notes and research reports as well as a number of reference documents were used as background information at the Phakisa. (2015)

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