
Wednesday, 28 July 2021

TIPS Annual Forum

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Engineering News - 23 July 2021 by Terence Creamer

Read online at Engineering News

This country study forms part of a project for the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition on the alignment of the quality infrastructure/technical infrastructure in South Africa. The project includes four country case studies: Australia, Brazil, Kenya and the Republic of Korea.

The case studies for Australia, Brazil and Kenya are available here: Institutional alignment of Quality Infrastructure in South Africa

This country study forms part of a project for the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition on the alignment of the quality infrastructure/technical infrastructure in South Africa. The project includes four country case studies: Australia, Brazil, Kenya and the Republic of Korea.

The case studies for Australia, Brazil and the Republic of Korea are available here: Institutional alignment of Quality Infrastructure in South Africa

This country study forms part of a project for the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition on the alignment of the quality infrastructure/technical infrastructure in South Africa. The project includes four country case studies: Australia, Brazil, Kenya and the Republic of Korea.

The case studies for Australia, Kenya and the Republic of Korea are available here: Institutional alignment of Quality Infrastructure in South Africa

This country study forms part of a project for the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition on the alignment of the quality infrastructure/technical infrastructure in South Africa. The project includes four country case studies: Australia, Brazil, Kenya and the Republic of Korea.

The case studies for Brazil, Kenya and the Republic of Korea are available here: Institutional alignment of Quality Infrastructure in South Africa

This project for the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition involved a study on the alignment of the quality infrastructure/ technical infrastructure in South Africa. It included four case studies on the quality infrastructure (QI) in other countries: Australia, Brazil, Kenya and the Republic of Korea.

Quality Infrastructure in Australia

Quality Infrastructure in Brazil

Quality Infrastructure in Kenya

Quality infrastructure in the Republic of Korea


The fundamental importance of the coal value chain to the South African economy means that its dual crises required a consistent, strategic and whole-of-government response. This study aims to provide a holistic analysis of the value chain as the basis for developing more strategic options. It first outlines the scope of the coal value chain and its impact on the economy overall. It then describes the disruption in the electricity supply, and the impact of the climate emergency. Finally it reviews factors in the policy environment that made it more difficult to establish a coherent and strategic national response to the disruptions in the coal industry. Based on this analysis, the conclusions outline the implications for policy options.  

Press release: The transition away from coal is inevitable – a delay could cause more damage - 15 July 2021

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Daily Maverick - 13 July 2021 by Gaylor Montmasson Clair (TIPS Senior Economist)

Read online at Daily Maverick

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