
Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Export Tracker - Q1 2021

The first quarter of 2021 saw South Africa’s merchandise exports increase by 20.2% from the same period last year, amounting to R406 billion, although it experienced a slight decline of 2.6% from the previous quarter (Q4 2020). Though South Africa’s exports have been on an increasing trend, recovering from the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic experienced in the second quarter or 2020, the large year-on-year increase seen in this quarter is partially reflective of a low base in 2020 as South Africa and most global economies were affected by the early lockdown of China as a result of COVID-19 outbreak, which disrupted global supply chain resulting in a drop in exports.

South Africa recorded an eighth straight positive quarter trade balance of R93 billion (US$6.3 billion). In US dollar terms, merchandise exports grew by 26.6% from Q1 2019, amounting to US$27 billion, while imports increased by 8.9% to US$20.9 billion.

Download a copy of the Export Tracker or read online.

Many in the Global South and some in the Global North cannot afford clean and sustainable energy, and many live in a state of energy poverty. A just energy transition is a chance for economies to start again with a clean slate and do things differently. In the Global South, where many cities are growing and where generation is inadequate, the opportunities abound. This policy brief argues that energy poverty and access must be brought boldly into the Just Transition debate. Only then is change possible. The brief offers an overview of current understanding of what constitutes a just energy transition and what is meant by energy poverty and access by giving a snapshot of the European Union and Sub-Saharan Africa context. The brief concludes with outlining some of the policy gaps.

The basic chemicals and petroleum refineries industry comprises polymers, bulk petrochemicals and intermediates, other basic industrial and inorganic chemicals, and fertilisers. It forms part of the broader chemicals industry, which also encompasses household chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and products of plastic and rubber, most of which are downstream from basic chemicals and petroleum refineries. In contrast to international competitors, in South Africa coal formed an important feedstock, based on Sasol’s coal-to-liquid fuel plants.

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Other subsector notes


Capital equipment

Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles

Electronics and precision equipment

Food processing

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Glass and non-metalic minerals

Metal and metal products

Other chemicals, rubber and plastics

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment

Wood and paper

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Beverages 2021

The beverages subsector encompasses both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, except for fruit juices, which are classified as fruit and vegetable processing. The beverages value chain far extends the production of beverages and incorporates upstream sectors within the agricultural sector which provides inputs.

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Other subsector notes:

Basic chemicals and pretroleum

Capital equipment

Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles

Electronics and appliances

Food processing

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Glass and non-metalic minerals

Metal and metal products

Other chemicals, rubber and plastics

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment

Wood and paper

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Capital equipment 2021

Capital equipment comprises machinery and equipment used in production. While it does not equate to a standard statistical category, it mainly falls under machinery and electrical equipment. Machinery refers to the production of machine tools, engines, pumps, handling equipment, armaments and similar complex equipment; electrical machinery covers electric motors, transformers, cables and lights. These categories exclude transport equipment, appliances and precision equipment, for instance for medical use. However, the line between these equipment classes has become increasingly blurred as digital controls grow in importance. South African capital equipment manufacturers mainly produce for mining, construction, electric power generation and distribution (including renewables), and food processing.

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Other subsector notes

Basic chemicals and pretroleum


Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles

Electronics and appliances

Food processing

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Glass and non-metalic minerals

Metal and metal products

Other chemicals, rubber and plastics

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment

Wood and paper

Clothing, textiles, footwear and leather (CTFL) is the value chain from synthetic and natural inputs to final clothing and shoes. The leather and textiles production systems are largely distinct, but both clothing and shoes now mostly use synthetic inputs from the chemicals industry. Relatively few shoes today are made mostly from leather.

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Other subsector notes

Basic chemicals and pretroleum


Capital equipment

Electronics and precision equipment

Food processing

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Glass and non-metalic minerals

Metal and metal products

Other chemicals, rubber and plastics

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment

Wood and paper

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Electronics and appliances 2021

Electronics and appliances refer principally to consumer equipment products. Electronics is also a core component for capital equipment as well as business services and communications. The industry covers precision instruments, including information and communications technology (ICT). It also includes parts of electric machinery, mostly some inputs to electronics, and machinery, including domestic and office machinery.

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Other subsector notes

Basic chemicals and pretroleum


Capital equipment

Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles

Food processing

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Glass and non-metalic minerals

Metal and metal products

Other chemicals, rubber and plastics

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment

Wood and paper

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Food processing 2021

The food processing subsector comprises of the production of final food products based mainly, although not exclusively, on agricultural inputs. The line between agriculture and food processing is not always clear, however, the formal definition of food processing excludes food processing that takes place in the farm. The industry is highly diverse, with significantly different processes used in major subsectors for instance maize milling, bakeries, meat and poultry processing and horticulture.

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Other subsector notes

Basic chemicals and pretroleum


Capital equipment

Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles

Electronics and precision equipment

Food processing

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Glass and non-metalic minerals

Metal and metal products

Other chemicals, rubber and plastics

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment

Wood and paper

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Glass and non-metalic minerals

The glass and non-metallic minerals industry includes both glass products that are used in various sectors such as automotive, and mineral products such as cement, bricks, ceramics and similar products, which are used principally in the construction industry. In 2019, cement accounted for 60% of turnover the industry’s turnover. Ceramics and glass accounted for 15% each. The industry excludes coal.

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Other subsector notes

Basic chemicals and pretroleum


Capital equipment

Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles

Electronics and appliances

Food processing

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Metal and metal products

Other chemicals, rubber and plastics

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment

Wood and paper

Other chemicals refers to the chemicals subsector excluding basic chemicals, petrochemicals and primary plastics. The other chemicals, rubber and plastics value-chain starts from the upstream sectors that provide feedstock for chemicals processing. These chemicals are further processed to produce inputs into second phase processing such as polymers, which are inputs to downstream plastic manufacturing. Other chemicals refers to the chemicals subsector excluding basic chemicals, petrochemicals and primary plastics.

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Other subsector notes

Basic chemicals and pretroleum


Capital equipment

Clothing, footwear, leather and textiles

Electronics and appliances

Food processing

Furniture and manufacturing activities not elsewhere classified

Glass and non-metalic minerals

Metal and metal products

Printing and publishing

Transport equipment

Wood and paper

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