
Past Projects

17 April 2014

Review of Regulation in the Ports Sector

The South African Ports Regulator, established in terms of the National Ports Act 12 of 2005 is a relatively new institution. Time taken to establish the institution has meant it has only recently begun to be effective. Over the past three years it has flexed its regulatory muscle with significant revisions to the tariff book and pricing proposed by the National Ports Authority. Studies have been conducted on the tariff adjustments and the stakeholder submissions to the Ports Regulator. However, limited work has been done on the effectiveness of the regulator.

TIPS’s assessment the regulation of ports in South Africa includes:

  • Reviewing the role of the regulator, linking this to the broad policy framework and economic development priorities of the government.
  • Assessing the work of the regulator, including through looking at case studies of ports regulation in other jurisdictions.
  • Considering the role of the regulator in contributing to the efficient and cost-effective operation of the ports, including the impact of the ports on the broader economy.
  • Considering the role of ports in attracting investment and supporting the growth of service sectors related to port operations such as ship repair, boat building and servicing the offshore oil and gas sector.
  • Considering the regulator looking at more than pricing, and going broader into the terms of access and quality of service of South African ports.
  • Looking at international experiences in Australia, India and South America.