

APORDE 2016: Public seminars

  • Venue: Pretoria and Johannesburg

African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (APORDE)

APORDE is an annual training programme that brings together academics, policymakers and civil society representatives to investigate economic development options. It aims to build capacity in economics and economic policymaking. The course is run for two weeks and consists of lectures and seminars taught by international and African economists. TIPS co-facilitates the programme, and co-hosts a number of seminars.

Lectures open to the public during the two week programme.  

1. Alice Amsden Memorial Lecture
Speaker: Minister Malusi Gigaba
Date: Monday 5 September 2016
Time: 18h30
Venue: Senate Room, 2nd Floor Senate House, Wits University
Co-host: University of Witwatersrand and TIPS

For more information go to Alice Amsden Memorial Lecture.

2. Inequality, Investment and Growth
Speakers: José Gabriel Palma; Kate Philip
Date: Tuesday 6 September 2016
Time: 13h30
Venue: TIPS offices; 234 Lange Street Pretoria
Co-host: The Economies of Regions Learning Network

For more information go to: Inequality, Investment and Growth.

3. International financial flows and financial crises
Speaker: José Gabriel Palma
Date: Thursday 8 September 2016
Time: 18h00
Venue: CCRED offices, 2nd Floor 5 Sturdee Avenue Rosebank
Co-host: Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED)

4. Labour, Economic Development and the Minimum Wage Debate in South Africa
Speakers: Gilad Isaacs
Date: Monday 12 September 2016
Time: 18h30
Venue: IDC Conference Centre; 19 Fredman Drive, Sandton
Co-host: Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and Independent World of Work

5. Social Policy and its Linkages with Industrial Policy
Speaker: Thandika Mkandawire
Date: Tuesday 13 September 2016
Time: 17h30
Venue: C-Ring 315, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus, University of Johannesburg
Co-host: South African Research Chair in Industrial Development, University of Johannesburg,

RSVP by email: or to confirm attendance.

Please note which seminar you will be attending in your confirmation.