The South African Green Economy Modelling (SAGEM) Report explores the question of whether equal or higher growth could be attained with a more sustainable, equitable and resilient economy.
South Africa views a green economy as a sustainable development path that is based on addressing the interdependence between economic growth, social protection and natural ecosystems. The SAGEM was developed to explore the transition to a green economy for South Africa, with special attention on its ability to meet low carbon growth, resource efficiency and pro-job development targets.
The transition to a green economy in South Africa is linked to many policies, strategies and plans including, among others, the National Development Plan, the New Growth Path, the National Climate Change Response Policy and the Industrial Policy Action Plan. The SAGEM report is closely aligned to these policies and plans. It seeks to present a modelling process and test the national targets and the effects of investing in a green economy in South Africa.
To access the SAGEM report, click on the link below:
South African Green Economy Modelling Report (SAGEM)
To access a fact sheet on the South African Green Economy Modelling Report, click on the link below:
Fact Sheet: The South African Green Economy Modelling Report (SAGEM)