
Sustainable Growth

16 July 2020

A case for water and sanitation in South Africa's post-lockdown economic recovery stimulus package

  • Year: 2020
  • Organisation: TIPS
  • Author(s): Gaylor Montmasson-Clair (TIPS); Shakespear Mudombi (TIPS)
  • Countries and Regions: South Africa

As South Africa responds to COVID-19 as well as aims to stimulate the economy and job creation post the lockdown through an infrastructure-led package, an opportunity should not be missed to address many of the water and sanitation challenges in the country. This is much needed and would provide multiple benefits not only to the economy but also the poor communities that need the infrastructure and services, as well as municipalities that require strengthening of their water and wastewater infrastructure. This working paper looks at the benefits of including water and sanitation in the country’s stimulus package and considers possible avenues to do so.

For a summary version of the working paper see Policy Brief: A case for water and sanitation in South Africa's post-lockdown economic recovery stimulus package

Last modified on 17 July 2020