
Industrial Policy Reference Resource (191)

The Industrial Policy Reference Resource is a bibliography of key South African and international references on industrial policy and related subjects. It was developed with financial assistance from the Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) and the Department for International Development (DFID).

South Africa's economic performance between 1995 and 2000 has been shaped by two main factors. The first is the political transition marked by the country's…

  • Authors Stephen Gelb and Ethel Teljeur
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation UNECA
  • Publisher The Edge Institute
Developments in the automotive industry have received considerable positive publicity over the last few years. Firstly, and most importantly, this is a consequence of rapid…

  • Authors Anthony Black
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Publisher TIPS
The Government Integrated Manufacturing Strategy identifies competitiveness as its primary focus, and value matrices as the framework within which to assess manufacturing performance. This paper…

  • Authors Simon Roberts
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Publisher TIPS
The broad industrial strategy followed since the 1920s, even though not consciously framed in those terms, seemed to display three main characteristics. First, it contained…

  • Authors A Bezuidenhout
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation NEDLAC
  • Publisher Umanyano Publications
While B2B e-commerce represents a major technological innovation and marks a significant development in organisational interconnectivity (i.e., the ability to network both internally and externally),…

  • Authors Sagren Moodley
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation University of Witwatersrand
  • Publisher IDRC/CRDI
Exports and foreign investment in the South African motor industry have been growing rapidly. The Motor Industry Development Program (MIDP) has been a crucial factor…

  • Authors Frank Flatters
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation USAID
  • Publisher TSG
Before the transition from a socialist to a market economy in 1990, the manufacturing sector generated a quarter of total GDP and modern sector employment.…

  • Authors UNIDO
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
The Business and Industry Policy Forum explored how the global restructuring strategies being pursued by firms have changed over time, the challenges that firms face…

  • Authors OECD
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation OECD
  • Publisher OECD
The paper contributes to the design of an early-warning system for Thailand by adopting a long-term perspective on structural issues such as the composition of…

  • Authors Shafiq Dhanani and Philippe Scholtes
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication

  • Authors Ministry of defence UK
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation Ministry of Defence UK
  • Publisher Ministry of Defence UK
This report shows starkly how wide the dispersion is in levels of industrial development, how much it has grown and, most important, how it reflects…

  • Authors UNIDO
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
In analyzing the impact of industrial policy, it is important to distinguish between the initiation of industrialization and its continuance once a higher level of…

  • Authors Howard Noland and Howard Pack
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation Institute of International Economics
  • Publisher Central Bank of Chile
To prepare for the negotiations with government and business at the Sector Job Summits (SJSs), NALEDI and COSATU and its affiliates are developing policies relevant…

  • Authors Mandy Moussouris and David Jarvis
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation Naledi
  • Publisher Naledi
The purpose of this paper is to highlight a number of issues that impede sub-Saharan Africa's endeavour to achieve a higher degree of industrialization, with…

  • Authors Kandeh Yumkella & Jebamalai Vinanchiarachi
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation UNIDO/CSAE
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
Offsets or industrial participation have become an increasingly important part of arms procurement, with the promise of economic benefits often being an important justification of…

  • Authors P Dunne and Richard Haines
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation MUBS
  • Publisher MUBS
Chinese industrial sector energy-efficiency policy has gone through a number of distinct phases since the founding of the People's Republic in 1949. An initial period…

  • Authors Lynn Price, Ernst Worrell and J Sinton
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation University of California
  • Publisher Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
This paper studies the size and number of industrial clusters that will arise in a multi-country world in which one sector has a propensity to…

  • Authors Victor D Norman & Anthony J Venables
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation UK ESRC
  • Publisher CEPR
The theory of strategic trade policy yields ambiguous recommendations for assistance to exporting firms in oligopolistic industries. However, some writers have suggested that investment subsidies…

  • Authors Dermot Leahy & J. Peter Neary
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation University College Dublin
  • Publisher CEPR
The recent emergence of the cluster concept represents one of the most common policy approaches to addressing the tensions between globalization and localization. Originally articulated…

  • Authors Philip Raines
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation University of Srathclyde
Economic growth can be described at the macro level, but it can never be explained at that level. Economic growth is a matter of experimental…

  • Authors Bo Carlsson & Gunnar Eliasson
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics
The purpose of this report is to provide a preliminary overview of the 'key' trends, challenges and opportunities facing the leather industry of South Africa.…

  • Authors Richard Ballard
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation UKZN
  • Publisher UKZN
In May 2001, the State Government of Orissa organized a review workshop in Bhubaneswar to discuss prospects for growth and industrial policy, following the undertaking…

  • Authors UNIDO
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
Industrial Policy in the traditional sense was reactive, bureaucratic and demand side based. By contrast, modern industrial policy requires pro-active intervention and changes. Consequently, it…

  • Authors UNIDO
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
South Africa's current industrial policy has a two level focus: sectoral and spatial. The former (addressed here) deals with improving the performance and competitiveness of…

  • Authors H Nel and G Makuwaza
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation Rhodes University
  • Publisher SA Economic Society
Through a study of the plastics sector in South Africa, the article critically examines the pro-globalisation position that greater openness yields gains from exports and…

  • Authors Simon Roberts
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation University of Witwatersrand
  • Publisher John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Recent research has demonstrated the possibility of welfare-enhancing industrial policy. This paper analyses the impact of industrial policy on Japan's trade pattern, and explores the…

  • Authors Marcus Noland
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation John Hopkins University
  • Publisher John Hopkins University
This paper explores how growth and job creation depend on private sector choices concerning how to produce, that is the relative proportions of capital and…

  • Authors Michael Samson, Kenneth Mac Quene and Ingrid van Niekerk
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation TIPS/EPRI/USAID
  • Publisher TIPS
The post-apartheid 'economic miracle' has not happened. Job losses are reaching astronomical proportions. While the current Budget is expansionary, it will not lead to the…

  • Authors David Jarvis
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation Naledi
  • Publisher Naledi
This document adopts the DPE's assumption that competition will almost inevitably ensure more efficient and effective service delivery. The principal insight underlying the DTI's industrial…

  • Authors DTI
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation DTI
  • Publisher DTI
This article aims to analyse some of the possibilities and barriers that local communities face in promoting endogenous industrial development in an increasingly globalised economy.…

  • Authors Arne Isaksen
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation Canadian Journal of Science
  • Publisher Canadian Journal of Science
The debate about industrial policy occasioned by the East Asian financial crisis is the latest chapter in an ongoing discussion about the effectiveness of selective…

  • Authors Howard Pack
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation The World Bank
  • Publisher Oxford University Press
This paper analyses the case for selective industrial and trade policies in Africa, drawing upon the lessons of East Asia. It reviews the theoretical arguments…

  • Authors Sanjaya Lall
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation University of Oxford
  • Publisher QEH
In continued pursuit of its mandate to help countries reduce poverty and improve living standards through sustainable growth and investment in people, the World Bank…

  • Authors Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation The World Bank
  • Publisher The World Bank Group
We characterise optimal trade and industrial policy in dynamic oligopolistic markets. If governments can commit to future policies, optimal first-period intervention should diverge from the…

  • Authors J Peter Neary & Dermot Leahy
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation Royal Economic Society
  • Publisher Blackwell Publishers
Vietnam intends S&T to be one of the components of the nation's socio-economic strategy. Against that larger framework, the vision of the long-term aspirations of…

  • Authors Keith Bezanson
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
This paper searches for the origins of the relatively successful performance of Hoogovens, the only sizeable steel firm in the Netherlands. It is suggested that…

  • Authors Hans Schenk
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation ERIM
  • Publisher ERIM
Indonesia's competitiveness declined in the second half of the 1990s relative to other countries in Southeast and South Asia. The country now faces the real…

  • Authors Shafiq Dhanani
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation UNDP/UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
Catching-up of East German productivity to West German levels has halted completely since the mid l990s. The remaining productivity gap cannot be attributed to an…

  • Authors Henning Klodt
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation Kiel Institute of World Economics
  • Publisher Blackwell Publishers
This paper develops a model of joint determination of trade and industrial policies where the politicians in charge of the government can direct the rents…

  • Authors Hadi Salehi Esfahani & Munir Mahmud
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation University of Illinois
  • Publisher SSRN
Since China promulgated the first explicit industrial policy in 1989, state intervention with respect to business in China has become more industry-oriented. National economic planning…

  • Authors Lu Ding
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation CPB, the National Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
  • Publisher n/a
Government is studied as a supporter of science and of the transformation of scientific discoveries into new technology and firm formation. The importance of scientific…

  • Authors Gunnar Eliasson
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation The Royal Institute of Technology
  • Publisher Springer
The report examines the relationship between industrial and environmental policies in Pakistan, recommends policy measures that could optimize economic benefits from industrial development with reduced…

  • Authors Zehra Aftab, Laiq Ali, A. M. Khan, A. C. Robinson and I. A. Irshad
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
The aim of this paper is to review the objectives and instruments of industrial policy in a changing global context and multilateral rules and discipline.…

  • Authors Bijit Bora, Peter J. Lloyd and Mari Pangestu
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation UNCTAD
  • Publisher United Nations Publication
Technology has long been held to contribute to economic growth through productivity improvement, but early studies of information technology (IT) investments and economic growth found…

  • Authors Kenneth L Kraemer & Jason Dedrick
  • Year 1999
  • Organisation University of California
  • Publisher ITR
This paper examines the issue of whether harmonising taxes across the traded and non-traded sectors is desirable. Preferential treatment for the traded sector might be…

  • Authors Frank Walsh
  • Year 1999
  • Organisation University of Dublin
  • Publisher University College Dublin
With the exception of a few countries, the post-independence development of Sub-Saharan Africa has been disappointing. In most countries, the growth of national income has…

  • Authors Tenkir Bonger
  • Year 1999
  • Organisation The International Development Research Centre
  • Publisher IDRC/CRDI
While the South African industrial sector has recently begun to recover from a long period of stagnation, it has failed to create employment. This is…

  • Authors Tamzyn Dorfling
  • Year 1999
  • Organisation Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
  • Publisher Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
This paper critically reviews the East Asian Miracle Report and relates to the debate around the existence of industrial policy in these countries, and whether…

  • Authors Ha-Joon Chang
  • Year 1999
  • Organisation The World Bank
  • Publisher n/a

  • Authors Fred Opio
  • Year 1999
  • Organisation ICTSD
  • Publisher ICTSD
From a dramatic transformation as an Asian miracle with unprecedented economic growth in the past two decades, the Asian miracle turned into an Asian debacle…

  • Authors Manu Leopairote
  • Year 1999
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
Prior to East Asia's financial meltdown in the second half of 1997, there appeared the prospect of an uneasy consensus on the East Asian 'miracle'…

  • Authors Ashoka Mody
  • Year 1999
  • Organisation The World Bank
Our concern in this paper is with firm-specific industrial policy. When R&D subsidies or taxes are differentiated among firms, the question arises as to which…

  • Authors Pedro Luis Pita Barros & Tore Nilssen
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation Scandinavian Journal of Economics
  • Publisher Blackwell Publishers
There are three main paradigms that are the basis for the industrial policies throughout the world: institutionalism, Marxism, and free-enterprise. Of the three, two have…

  • Authors Walter Block, W. Robert McGee and Kristi Spissinger
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation University of Arkansas
  • Publisher Walter Block
COSATU's submission to Parliament regarding the effect of the Department of Trade and Industry's industrial policy on the performance of manufacturing focuses specifically on: an…

  • Authors COSATU
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation COSATU
Today's economic map of the world is dominated by what are called clusters: geographically concentrated critical masses of unusual competitive success in particular fields. Clusters…

  • Authors Michael E. Porter
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation Harvard Business School
  • Publisher Harvard Business Review
The manufacturing sector has traditionally been the primary focus of both the trade and industrial policy literature and the national departments of trade and industry…

  • Authors James Hodge
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation TIPS/DPRU
  • Publisher TIPS
That the growth performance of South African manufacturing industry has deteriorated markedly since the mid- 1970s, and that a major improvement in the performance of…

  • Authors Trevor Bell
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation n/a
  • Publisher Transformation 28
The paper attempts to document the various kinds of industrial and technology policy that have commonly be put in practice and then to provide indicators…

  • Authors Rakesh Mohan
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation National Council of Applied Economic Research
  • Publisher NCEAR
This article explores the contradictions between the industrial policies of the EU and EU national states and the Single Market program of elimination of NTBs…

  • Authors Gilberto Sarfati
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation EIOP
  • Publisher ECSA-A
This report describes trends in Member country policies for industrial development and competitiveness in order to promote economic growth, wealth creation and employment. Government policy…

  • Authors OECD
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation OECD
  • Publisher OECD
Many of the programmes and policies designed by the DTI represent a major departure from the policy framework used by the previous government.The previous government…

  • Authors Alan Hirsch and Stephen Hanival
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation Department of Trade & Industry
  • Publisher DTI
The last decade has seen a revival of regional industrial policy in the Western world. New policies have been built on recent insights into the…

  • Authors Arnoud Lagendijk
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation University of Newcastle
  • Publisher European Regional Science Association
Recent literature on industrial districts and enterprise clusters suggests that the grouping of enterprises into sectoral and geographic clusters gives rise to a certain collective…

  • Authors Dorothy McCormick
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation University of Nairobi
  • Publisher Institute of Development Studies
The purpose of this paper is to review the industrial performance of African economies during the 1990s and to then discuss the principal reasons why…

  • Authors Paul Bennell
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation University of Sussex
  • Publisher African Development Bank
For COSATU, industrial policy is not confined to promoting exports. Such a policy will have limited success. In this paper, it is stated that COSATU…

  • Authors n/a
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation COSATU
  • Publisher COSATU
This paper explores the links between international trade theory and the practice of trade and industrial policy in open economies, with special attention to three…

  • Authors J. Peter Neary
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation University College Dublin
  • Publisher CEPR
This paper looks at some of the relevant and critical issues facing the South African government in devising an industrial policy. It provides an overview…

  • Authors Ha-Joon Chang
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation University of Cambridge
  • Publisher TIPS
The existence of strong spill-over effects from private R&D increases the potential social contribution of R&D, but may depress the private incentives to undertake it.…

  • Authors Lee Branstetter and Mariko Sakakibara
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation National Bureau of Economic Research
  • Publisher Blackwell Publishers
The debate on industrial policy is often counterposed between two truisms. On the one hand, market-based resource allocation is clearly important - it is not…

  • Authors Raphael Kaplinsky and Edmund Mhlongo
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation University of Cape Town and University of Sussex
  • Publisher Transformation 34
It is argued that industrial policy for Eastern Europe is required to reduce the social costs of transition. The proposed industrial policy is based on…

  • Authors Subrata Ghatak and Barbara Roberts
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation University of Leicester
  • Publisher Routledge. Tailor and Francis Group
A Framework: Numsa 1. Believes that to reconstruct and develop the economy requires an interventionist state especially with regard to industry and trade policy. 2.…

  • Authors NUMSA
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation NUMSA
  • Publisher NUMSA
This paper first argues that if industrial policy toolds are defined as 'state measures designed primarily to affect the allocation of resources between economic activities,…

  • Authors Ali M. El-Agraa
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation JSTOR
  • Publisher Royal Economic Society
The document is based on a series of studies on industrial estates undertaken in late 1995. Its aim is to provide decision-makers in the public…

  • Authors HEPD/IPPS
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
This article revisits the relationship between the state and industrial development in Africa. The analysis shows the mutuality of states and markets in African industrialization,…

  • Authors Francis Owusu and Abdli Ishmail Somatar
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation University of Minnesota
  • Publisher MacArthur Foundation
This background paper for the 1995 Global Forum on Industry focuses on issues to be considered by the countries of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in order…

  • Authors Mudziviri Nziramasanga
  • Year 1995
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
We empirically evaluate the aggregate welfare effects and structural adjustment for the Spanish economy that would follow from trade liberalization with the European Economic Community.…

  • Authors David Roland-Holst, Clemente Polo and Ferran Sancho
  • Year 1995
  • Organisation Mills College
  • Publisher Springer
Encouraging the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is widely seen as being an important plank of industrial policy in developing countries. Concerns that…

  • Authors Khalid Nadvi
  • Year 1995
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
This paper assesses the coherence of industrial policy, competition policy and trade policy in the European Union (EU). This assessment is undertaken from the perspective…

  • Authors Dominique Foray, Pauline Rutsaert and Luc Soete
  • Year 1995
  • Organisation Tinbergen Institute
  • Publisher Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology
This volume critically evaluates current proposals to target industries with trade and industrial policies. It begins by explaining why proponents' arguments make sense only in…

  • Authors Andrew Dick
  • Year 1995
  • Organisation American Enterprise Institute
  • Publisher AEI Press
The basic policy changes towards increased market orientation and private sector development in recent years have been necessitated by global economic developments. In the newly…

  • Authors Katherin Marton
  • Year 1995
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
In most developing economies, industrialization has constituted a major objective of development strategy and government policy. It has been recognized that rapid industrial growth is…

  • Authors UNIDO Secretariat
  • Year 1995
  • Organisation UNIDO
  • Publisher UNIDO Publication
This report examines the trade and industrial policies currently advocated by the major development agencies. It calls for a shift away from the current emphasis…

  • Authors Stephen C Smith
  • Year 1991
  • Organisation Economic Policy Institute
  • Publisher Economic Policy Institute
Government policies designed to give domestic exporters a strategic advantage in world markets are completely effective only if the government can commit to those policies…

  • Authors Larry Karp & Jeffrey Perloff
  • Year 1990
  • Organisation International Economic Review
  • Publisher CEPR
The overriding objective of industrial policy is to accelerate the pace of industrial development by radically increasing value-added at every stage of the value chain.…

  • Authors Federal Ministry of Industry
  • Year 1989
  • Organisation Federal Ministry of Industry
  • Publisher Federal Ministry of Industry
This paper evaluates the current NIP proposals by first explaining the general economic consequences of the 'protective state' that facilitates market exchange and economic efficiency,…

  • Authors Thomas J. Dilorenzo
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
This paper examines the experience of Hungary with the development and implementation of its industrial policy. Hungary is a particularly interesting case study for several…

  • Authors Josef C. Brada
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute

  • Authors Don Lavole
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
The advocacy of an "industrial policy" or a more extensive "government-business partnership" has come into vogue in recent years in the United States, particularly among…

  • Authors Katsuro Sakoh
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
As its contemporary advocates employ the term, "industrial policy" imports a peculiar form of governmental intervention in the evolutionary process of the market economy.1 In…

  • Authors Edwin Vieira Jr.
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
One of the principal motivations for the establishment of an industrial policy in the United States is to counteract or facilitate structural change in the…

  • Authors Bruce Bartlett
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
As a professional economist, I have a deeply-rooted skepticism about the capacity of government to manage economic growth or technological change more efficiently than the…

  • Authors James C. Miller III
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
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