The Industrial Policy Reference Resource is a bibliography of key South African and international references on industrial policy and related subjects. It was developed with financial assistance from the Development Policy Research Unit (DPRU) and the Department for International Development (DFID).
South Africa's economic performance between 1995 and 2000 has been shaped by two main factors. The first is the political transition marked by the country's…
Developments in the automotive industry have received considerable positive publicity over the last few years. Firstly, and most importantly, this is a consequence of rapid…
The Government Integrated Manufacturing Strategy identifies competitiveness as its primary focus, and value matrices as the framework within which to assess manufacturing performance. This paper…
The broad industrial strategy followed since the 1920s, even though not consciously framed in those terms, seemed to display three main characteristics. First, it contained…
While B2B e-commerce represents a major technological innovation and marks a significant development in organisational interconnectivity (i.e., the ability to network both internally and externally),…
Exports and foreign investment in the South African motor industry have been growing rapidly. The Motor Industry Development Program (MIDP) has been a crucial factor…
Before the transition from a socialist to a market economy in 1990, the manufacturing sector generated a quarter of total GDP and modern sector employment.…
The Business and Industry Policy Forum explored how the global restructuring strategies being pursued by firms have changed over time, the challenges that firms face…
The paper contributes to the design of an early-warning system for Thailand by adopting a long-term perspective on structural issues such as the composition of…
In analyzing the impact of industrial policy, it is important to distinguish between the initiation of industrialization and its continuance once a higher level of…
To prepare for the negotiations with government and business at the Sector Job Summits (SJSs), NALEDI and COSATU and its affiliates are developing policies relevant…
The purpose of this paper is to highlight a number of issues that impede sub-Saharan Africa's endeavour to achieve a higher degree of industrialization, with…
Offsets or industrial participation have become an increasingly important part of arms procurement, with the promise of economic benefits often being an important justification of…
Chinese industrial sector energy-efficiency policy has gone through a number of distinct phases since the founding of the People's Republic in 1949. An initial period…
AuthorsLynn Price, Ernst Worrell and J Sinton
OrganisationUniversity of California
PublisherErnest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
The theory of strategic trade policy yields ambiguous recommendations for assistance to exporting firms in oligopolistic industries. However, some writers have suggested that investment subsidies…
The recent emergence of the cluster concept represents one of the most common policy approaches to addressing the tensions between globalization and localization. Originally articulated…
The purpose of this report is to provide a preliminary overview of the 'key' trends, challenges and opportunities facing the leather industry of South Africa.…
In May 2001, the State Government of Orissa organized a review workshop in Bhubaneswar to discuss prospects for growth and industrial policy, following the undertaking…
Industrial Policy in the traditional sense was reactive, bureaucratic and demand side based. By contrast, modern industrial policy requires pro-active intervention and changes. Consequently, it…
South Africa's current industrial policy has a two level focus: sectoral and spatial. The former (addressed here) deals with improving the performance and competitiveness of…
Through a study of the plastics sector in South Africa, the article critically examines the pro-globalisation position that greater openness yields gains from exports and…
Recent research has demonstrated the possibility of welfare-enhancing industrial policy. This paper analyses the impact of industrial policy on Japan's trade pattern, and explores the…
This paper explores how growth and job creation depend on private sector choices concerning how to produce, that is the relative proportions of capital and…
AuthorsMichael Samson, Kenneth Mac Quene and Ingrid van Niekerk
The post-apartheid 'economic miracle' has not happened. Job losses are reaching astronomical proportions. While the current Budget is expansionary, it will not lead to the…
This document adopts the DPE's assumption that competition will almost inevitably ensure more efficient and effective service delivery. The principal insight underlying the DTI's industrial…
This article aims to analyse some of the possibilities and barriers that local communities face in promoting endogenous industrial development in an increasingly globalised economy.…
The debate about industrial policy occasioned by the East Asian financial crisis is the latest chapter in an ongoing discussion about the effectiveness of selective…
This paper analyses the case for selective industrial and trade policies in Africa, drawing upon the lessons of East Asia. It reviews the theoretical arguments…
In continued pursuit of its mandate to help countries reduce poverty and improve living standards through sustainable growth and investment in people, the World Bank…
We characterise optimal trade and industrial policy in dynamic oligopolistic markets. If governments can commit to future policies, optimal first-period intervention should diverge from the…
Vietnam intends S&T to be one of the components of the nation's socio-economic strategy. Against that larger framework, the vision of the long-term aspirations of…
This paper searches for the origins of the relatively successful performance of Hoogovens, the only sizeable steel firm in the Netherlands. It is suggested that…
Indonesia's competitiveness declined in the second half of the 1990s relative to other countries in Southeast and South Asia. The country now faces the real…
Catching-up of East German productivity to West German levels has halted completely since the mid l990s. The remaining productivity gap cannot be attributed to an…
This paper develops a model of joint determination of trade and industrial policies where the politicians in charge of the government can direct the rents…
Since China promulgated the first explicit industrial policy in 1989, state intervention with respect to business in China has become more industry-oriented. National economic planning…
AuthorsLu Ding
OrganisationCPB, the National Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
Government is studied as a supporter of science and of the transformation of scientific discoveries into new technology and firm formation. The importance of scientific…
The report examines the relationship between industrial and environmental policies in Pakistan, recommends policy measures that could optimize economic benefits from industrial development with reduced…
AuthorsZehra Aftab, Laiq Ali, A. M. Khan, A. C. Robinson and I. A. Irshad
The aim of this paper is to review the objectives and instruments of industrial policy in a changing global context and multilateral rules and discipline.…
AuthorsBijit Bora, Peter J. Lloyd and Mari Pangestu