
  • Gaylor Montmasson-Clair Gaylor Montmasson-Clair
    • Position Senior Economist: Sustainable Development
    Gaylor Montmasson-Clair is a Senior Economist at Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS). He leads TIPS's work on sustainability and just transition. He is the…
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Gaylor Montmasson-Clair

This policy brief opens the door for a deeper understanding of South Africa’s tale of three transitions. First, the electricity transition, characterised by a shift to more decentralised, modular and renewable energy-based systems, is discussed with a focus on the necessary steps to transition the power system sustainability and inclusively. Second, the connected but broader coal transition…"
Aluminium is the most used non-ferrous metal worldwide. Its multiple properties (lightweight, non-corrosive, high thermal and electrical conductivity, low density, non-toxic, non-magnetic) make it a versatile multiuse metal. Aluminium is used in various sectors, most prominently in transport, construction, consumer goods, packaging and machinery and equipment. The production of primary aluminium is, however, extremely…"
This working paper unpacks the impacts of a transition away from coal on affected communities in South Africa. It takes a multi-layered approach highlighting the economic, social, and environmental impacts coal has had to date and the implications of a transition on communities. Sections 2, 3 and 4 discuss the economic, socio-economic and…"
The just transition agenda aims at ensuring that vulnerable stakeholders are not negatively impacted by the transition, but are better off through it. Three key principles underpin the just transition agenda in South Africa. Distributive justice aims to address the direct impacts of the transition, such as the loss of employment and livelihood. Restorative justice considers the…"
This Research Report, along with the Policy Report, provides the ‘first draft’ of a proposed Water and Sanitation Industry Master Plan. It puts forward a vision and associated interventions, forming the foundation of a Water and Sanitation Industry Master Plan for South Africa. The reports complement the 2018 Department of Water and Sanitation …"
Improving the governance of the transition to a a low-emissions economy, across spheres of government and sectors, means local risks and opportunities must be foregrounded. In addition, the local government toolbox for advancing a just transition – the policies, regulations, functions and processes – must be characterised and interrogated even as these tools are themselves…"
The report unpacks the historical trajectory of coal-dependent economies in Mpumalanga and charts possible futures by analysing potential economic opportunities. It covers the past and present economic structure of coal-based municipalities in South Africa, and unpacks existing assets and liabilities. It then looks forward by diving into possible economic activities that could provide the basis for…"
The world is moving quickly towards electric vehicles (EVs). South Africa needs to prepare for this to manage the negative transition impacts and maximise the positive impacts. This policy brief explores the opportunity to develop a proactive policy framework that would shape and drive a just transition for the benefit of all South Africans."
Climate change will have drastic impacts on South Africa’s economy and society, and the need to adapt is urgent. As the country embarks on a just transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally-sustainable economy, an opportunity exists to develop domestic small, green businesses. This report is part of a broader initiative on small…"
Climate change will have drastic impacts on South Africa’s economy and society, and the need to adapt is urgent. As the country embarks on a just transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally-sustainable economy, an opportunity exists to develop domestic small, green businesses. This case study is part of a broader initiative on…"
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