
Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modelling with GAMS 9-13 November 2015   Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) is pleased to announce a workshop Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium Modelling with GAMS, to be held in Pretoria from 9-13 November 2015.   For details of the workshop, see the…

  • Date Monday, 09 November 2015
Published in Events Archive
This Working Paper is drawn from research by TIPS prepared for the Global Green Growth Institute, the Economic Development Department and the Department of Trade and Industry. The research explored the impact of electricity price increases on the competitiveness of selected mining sector and smelting value chains in South Africa,…

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation TIPS
  • Author(s) Gaylor Montmasson-Clair
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Published in Green Economy
Repositioning electricity planning at the core: An evaluation of South Africa's Integrated Resource Plan Gaylor Montmasson-Clair Background: Energy and electricity issues in particular have recently been high on the South African agenda. Beyond immediate near-term considerations, reviewing the current electricity planning process is both a timely and necessary exercise. This review, based…

  • Date Thursday, 09 July 2015
  • Venue TIPS Boardroom, 227 Lange St, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria
  • Main Speakers GAYLOR MONTMASSON-CLAIR, Assistant Programme Manager, Sustainable Growth, TIPS. DR NEVA MAKGETLA, Programme Manager, Trade and Industrial Policy, TIPS
You are invited to the Pretoria launch seminar of   The Oxford Companion to the Economics of South Africa   Edited by: Haroon Bhorat, Alan Hirsch, Ravi Kanbur and Mthuli Ncube   52 entries by leading economists from within and working on South Africa bringing together perspectives on a range…

  • Date Tuesday, 11 August 2015
  • Venue VENUE: The Sheraton Hotel, 643 Cnr Stanza Bopape/Wessels Streets, Arcadia, Pretoria
  • Organisation Organised by UCT Graduate School of Development Policy & Practice, DPRU and co-hosted with UNU-WIDER and TIPS
Published in Events Archive
Session 10: Agricultural value chains in the region

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation USAID/Southern Africa Trade Hub
  • Author(s) Gerrit Struyf (USAID/Southern Africa Trade Hub)
Session 10: Agricultural value chains in the region This paper examines the reasons for the growth in the poultry industry in Malawi in the past 10 years. 

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation Malawi's Deputy Director of Industry
  • Author(s) Clement Phangaphanga
  • Countries and Regions Malawi
Session 9: A regional collabroation: Different approaches There is long-standing, wide consensus on the need for greater economic connectedness in Africa. Despite the rhetoric and apparent policy consensus, implementation of related commitments lags seriously. The lack of progress towards the free movement between national markets of goods, services, people and…

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation European Centre for Development Policy Management
  • Author(s) Bruce Byiers; Jan Vanheukelom
  • Countries and Regions Mozambique
Session 9: A regional collabroation: Different approaches This paper reports on the results of an investigation into the contribution of cooperative management of water resources to regional integration in SADC. The study found that, while a few bilateral projects had contributed to economic development, there was little evidence of a…

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation Visiting Adjunct Professor, Wits School of Governance
  • Author(s) Mike Muller
  • Countries and Regions Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Insights into the manufacturing sector: Outcomes of the latest quarterly Manufacturing Bulletin The quarterly manufacturing bulletin is an initiative of the manufacturing circle. It serves to provide an analysis of trends in the South African manufacturing sector. The focus of this development dialogue will be to present the second quarter,…

  • Date Friday, 21 August 2015
  • Venue TIPS Boardroom, 227 Lange St, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria
Session 8: Agricultural value chains in the region This paper expands a case study by Emet Consulting for the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) in 2014. The case study (Regulatory Constraints to the Development of a Fuel Ethanol Market in SADC) was a component of a project funded…

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation Emet Consulting / ACCORD Development Consulting
  • Author(s) Wolfe Braude
  • Countries and Regions South Africa, Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Session 8: Agricultural value chains in the region Fertiliser is a key input for commercial agriculture. However, there is generally low fertiliser use in Sub-Saharan Africa and hardly any production of fertiliser in countries in Southern and East Africa, aside from South Africa. Studies have emphasised the importance of transport…

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development, University of Johannesburg
  • Author(s) Simon Roberts; Thando Vilakazi;
  • Countries and Regions Malawi, Zambia
Session 8: Agricultural value chains in the region Paper to follow

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation University of the Witswatersrand
  • Author(s) Lotta Takala-Greenish
  • Countries and Regions South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Session 7: Minerals value chains: Upstream and beneficiation This paper presents key trends in the global value chain for mining capital equipment. It includes a section on the background of the South African and Zambian mining inputs clusters. It maps the regional value chain for mining capital equipment and presents…

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation CCRED, University of Johannesburg
  • Author(s) Judith Fessehale
  • Countries and Regions South Africa, Zambia
Session 7: Minerals value chains: Upstream and beneficiation Copper, as Zambia's economic mainstay, is a mineral whose value chain stretches beyond the country's Copperbelt Province and the recently acclaimed “New Copperbelt” Northwestern Province. The Copperbelt Province as the mining hub has several industries benefiting from both upward and downward linkages…

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation University of Zambia
  • Author(s) Godfrey Hampwaya; Wisdom Kaleng'a; Gilbert Siame
  • Countries and Regions South Africa, Zambia
Session 7: Minerals value chains: Upstream and beneficiation South Africa has the profile of a modern economy with well-developed financial, commercial and industrial sectors, yet mining remains an important base of the economy. Mining is dependent on physical infrastructure, such as rail, energy and water, that is provided by the…

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Ben Turok
  • Countries and Regions South Africa
Session 6: A regional approach to energy resources   This study develops a reliability assessment method of wind resource using optimum reservoir target power operations that maximises the firm generation of integrated wind and hydropower. This model is applied on the reservoir storages and hydropower system in the Zambezi river…

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Yohannes Gebretsadik; Charles Fant; Kenneth Strzepek
  • Countries and Regions South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Session 6: A regional approach to energy resources  

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation UNU-Wider
  • Author(s) Amy Rose
Session 6: A regional approach to energy resources An integrated approach to modelling energy policy in Africa:   PAPER: Evaluating carbon taxes and electricity import restrictions - Channing Arndt, Rob Davies, Sherwin Gabriel, Konstantin Makrelov, Bruno Merven, Faaiqa Salie and James Thurlow (UNU-Wider)   This paper links a bottom-up energy…

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation Energy Research Centre; UNU-Wider
  • Author(s) Bruno Merven
Session 5: International lessons There are huge opportunities for African countries to trade among themselves and invest in each other's economies, but the African market remains fragmented, hampering cross border trade and investments. Even though African governments are pushing for regional trade integration, challenges and difficulties exist. Limited financial resources,…

  • Year 2015
  • Organisation China Institute, Canada
  • Author(s) Daouda Cisse
  • Countries and Regions China, South Africa
Session 5: International lessons As Africa pursues regional integration due to increasing globalisation, the European Union is an example that Africa could learn from. The EU has been a forerunner in the movement of regional integration since the creation of the European Coal and steel Community in 1952 and the…

  • Year 2015
  • Author(s) Nancy Mashodo
  • Countries and Regions Asia, European Union (EU)
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