
The Energy Foundations China Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP) has undertaken a major project investigating fiscal and tax policy options for stimulating energy efficiency and renewable…

  • Authors Lynn Price, Christina Galitsky, Jonathan Sinton, Ernst Worrell & Wina Graus
  • Year 2005
  • Organisation University of California
  • Publisher Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
U.S. industry consumes approximately 37% of the nations energy to produce 24% of the nations GDP. Increasingly, society is confronted with the challenge of moving…

  • Authors Ernst Worrell, Nathan Martin Lynn Price and Michael Ruth
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation University of California
  • Publisher Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Chinese industrial sector energy-efficiency policy has gone through a number of distinct phases since the founding of the People's Republic in 1949. An initial period…

  • Authors Lynn Price, Ernst Worrell and J Sinton
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation University of California
  • Publisher Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
This paper studies the size and number of industrial clusters that will arise in a multi-country world in which one sector has a propensity to…

  • Authors Victor D Norman & Anthony J Venables
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation UK ESRC
  • Publisher CEPR
The theory of strategic trade policy yields ambiguous recommendations for assistance to exporting firms in oligopolistic industries. However, some writers have suggested that investment subsidies…

  • Authors Dermot Leahy & J. Peter Neary
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation University College Dublin
  • Publisher CEPR
Our concern in this paper is with firm-specific industrial policy. When R&D subsidies or taxes are differentiated among firms, the question arises as to which…

  • Authors Pedro Luis Pita Barros & Tore Nilssen
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation Scandinavian Journal of Economics
  • Publisher Blackwell Publishers
This paper explores the links between international trade theory and the practice of trade and industrial policy in open economies, with special attention to three…

  • Authors J. Peter Neary
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation University College Dublin
  • Publisher CEPR
Government policies designed to give domestic exporters a strategic advantage in world markets are completely effective only if the government can commit to those policies…

  • Authors Larry Karp & Jeffrey Perloff
  • Year 1990
  • Organisation International Economic Review
  • Publisher CEPR
This paper analyses industrial policy in a high wage open economy hosting an agglomeration consisting of vertically linked upstream and downstream firms. We show that…

  • Authors Rikard Forslid & Karen-Helene Ulltveit-Moe
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation Research Council of Norway
  • Publisher CEPR
This paper attempts to determine whether conditions amenable to successful selective interventions to capture cross-industry externalities are likely to be fulfilled in practice. Three criteria…

  • Authors Marcus Noland & Howard Pack
  • Year 2004
  • Organisation Institute of International Economics
  • Publisher Institute for International Economics
The continuing expansion and deepening integration of the European union is re-defining the map of threats and opportunities for both companies and regions in Europe.…

  • Authors Ray Hudson
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation Sussex European Institute
  • Publisher ERSC
This paper looks at some of the relevant and critical issues facing the South African government in devising an industrial policy. It provides an overview…

  • Authors Ha-Joon Chang
  • Year 1997
  • Organisation University of Cambridge
  • Publisher TIPS
The recent emergence of the cluster concept represents one of the most common policy approaches to addressing the tensions between globalization and localization. Originally articulated…

  • Authors Philip Raines
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation University of Srathclyde
Economic growth can be described at the macro level, but it can never be explained at that level. Economic growth is a matter of experimental…

  • Authors Bo Carlsson & Gunnar Eliasson
  • Year 2001
  • Organisation Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics
We characterise optimal trade and industrial policy in dynamic oligopolistic markets. If governments can commit to future policies, optimal first-period intervention should diverge from the…

  • Authors J Peter Neary & Dermot Leahy
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation Royal Economic Society
  • Publisher Blackwell Publishers
There are three main paradigms that are the basis for the industrial policies throughout the world: institutionalism, Marxism, and free-enterprise. Of the three, two have…

  • Authors Walter Block, W. Robert McGee and Kristi Spissinger
  • Year 1998
  • Organisation University of Arkansas
  • Publisher Walter Block
Sunday, 01 January 2006

Europeans Industrial Policy

This survey of European industrial policy aims to set out and explain the great significance of European integration in determining (changes in) structure and performance…

  • Authors Jacques Pelkmans
  • Year 2006
  • Organisation College of Europe
  • Publisher E. Elgar
This survey outlines the characteristics and drivers of the phases of European industrial policy over the last century and attempts some conclusions about policy impacts.…

  • Authors James Foreman-Peck
  • Year 2006
  • Organisation European Invest ment Bank
  • Publisher Economic and Finance Studies Division of the EIB
This article discusses the convenience of adopting industrial policy in Brazil. We argue that the success of East Asian countries, usually explained by industrial policy,…

  • Authors Mauricio Canedo-Pinheiro, Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira, Samuel De Abreu Pessoa & Luiz Guilherme Schymura
  • Year 2007
  • Organisation IBRE/FGV
Project results show that the international industrial networks in CEE are organized by MNCs and are limited in scope (mainly intra-firm). The weakest node for…

  • Authors Slavo Radosevic
  • Year 2003
  • Organisation University College of London
  • Publisher UCL
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