
The paper reviews the nature of current globalization and the growing divergence in competitive performance in the developing world. It considers the case for industrial…

  • Authors Sanjaya Lall
  • Year 2003
  • Organisation University of Oxford
  • Publisher QEH
This paper analyses the case for selective industrial and trade policies in Africa, drawing upon the lessons of East Asia. It reviews the theoretical arguments…

  • Authors Sanjaya Lall
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation University of Oxford
  • Publisher QEH
This paper is an exploration of the social capital needs of industrial development. 'œSocial capital' attracts considerable attention in socio-political analysis and we are beginning…

  • Authors Sanjaya Lall
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation University of Oxford
  • Publisher QEH
This report considers the obstacles to the practice of meaningful industrial policy by the governments of developing countries and also considers their impact on the…

  • Authors Larry E. Westphal
  • Year 2005
  • Organisation University of Oxford
  • Publisher QEH
What are the underlying rationales for industrial policy? Does empirical evidence support the use of industrial policy for correcting market failures that plague the process…

  • Authors Howard Pack & Kamal Saggi
  • Year 2006
  • Organisation The World Bank
  • Publisher Development Research Group
This paper examines the industrial policy in South Africa, which is Africa's most developed and industrialized economy. Issues relating to the role of industrial policy…

  • Authors David Kaplan
  • Year 2007
  • Organisation University of Oxford
  • Publisher n/a
The Finnish experience in the 1990s represents one of the few examples of how knowledge can become the driving force in economic growth and transformation.…

  • Authors Pekka Yla-Antilla & Chritopher Palmberg
  • Year 2005
  • Organisation ETLA - The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy
  • Publisher ETLA
This paper offers a nuanced and variegated view of the Southeast Asian economic miracles in comparative East Asian perspective, i.e. by comparing and contrasting the…

  • Authors Jomo Kwane Sundaram
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation University of Malay
  • Publisher n/a
The author discusses the reasons that created a wider interest in research as part of industry policy making in Norway in the period between 1963…

  • Authors Olav Wicken
  • Year 2007
  • Organisation University of Oslo
  • Publisher TIK
This paper explores the regional innovation paradox and its policy implications. The regional innovation paradox refers to the apparent contradiction between the comparatively greater need…

  • Authors Christine Oughton, Mikel Landabaso & Kevin Morgan
  • Year 2002
  • Organisation University of London
  • Publisher Kluwer Academic Publishers
This paper seeks to draw together the work undertaken for the EU (Fourth Framework Programme) TSER project on Science, Technology and Broad Industrial Policy with…

  • Authors Margaret Sharp
  • Year 2003
  • Organisation University College of London
  • Publisher UCL
This paper focuses on the systems-of-innovation (SI) approach and its policy implications. It introduces the topic by briefly reviewing the emergence, development, and diffusion of…

  • Authors Charles Edquist & Cristina Chaminade
  • Year 2006
  • Organisation European Invest ment Bank
  • Publisher Economic and Finance Studies Division of the EIB
This paper evaluates the current NIP proposals by first explaining the general economic consequences of the 'protective state' that facilitates market exchange and economic efficiency,…

  • Authors Thomas J. Dilorenzo
  • Year 1984
  • Organisation Cato Institute
  • Publisher Cato Institute
Rationalization and stabilization following the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s combined with the expansion and liberalization of regional and global trade to create…

  • Authors Richard Doner, Gregory Noble & John Ravehill
  • Year 2006
  • Organisation The World Bank
  • Publisher The World Bank Group
In the policy realm, the orthodox terms of engagement with globalization have been enshrined in the Washington consensus of secure property rights, fiscal discipline, sectorally…

  • Authors Marcus Noland & Howard Pack
  • Year 2003
  • Organisation LAEBA
  • Publisher Inter-American Development Bank
Technology has long been held to contribute to economic growth through productivity improvement, but early studies of information technology (IT) investments and economic growth found…

  • Authors Kenneth L Kraemer & Jason Dedrick
  • Year 1999
  • Organisation University of California
  • Publisher ITR
This paper briefly reviews what is new about emerging pathways to innovation in Asian electronics industries. I demonstrate that the role of Asia's leading players…

  • Authors Dieter Ernst
  • Year 2003
  • Organisation East West Center
  • Publisher East West Center
In continued pursuit of its mandate to help countries reduce poverty and improve living standards through sustainable growth and investment in people, the World Bank…

  • Authors Lauritz B. Holm-Nielsen
  • Year 2000
  • Organisation The World Bank
  • Publisher The World Bank Group
The United Nations has made access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) a primary objective for the developing world. Several policies have been implemented to…

  • Authors Trisha L. Bezmen and Craig A Depken II
  • Year 2003
  • Organisation University of Texas
  • Publisher n/a
This paper seeks to offer an alternative perspective on the issues of changes in policy regime and firm-level technological capability development. The paper draws on…

  • Authors Paulo N Figueiredo
  • Year 2006
  • Organisation University of Sussex
  • Publisher Getulio Vargas Foundation/EBAPE
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