
Business Day - 21 February 2023 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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TIPS Senior Economist Gaylor Montmasson-Clair took part in the Presidential Climate Commission webinar - see articles

EU carbon border tariffs could knock $16bn off Africa’s yearly GDP

Engineering News - 15 February 2023 by Terence Creamer

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EU's carbon penalties are coming, here's what SA needs to do

News24 - 15 February 2023 by Lameez Omarjee

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Where is the outcry over ‘deeply unjust’ EU carbon border tax?

Business Day - 17 February 2023 by Denene Erasmus

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Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Black Industrialists Profiles

The Black Industrialists Policy aims to increase the participation of black South Africans in operational management, rather than just financial ownership, of enterprises in key sectors and value chains. The programme was launched in 2015 by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, supported by the Industrial Development Corporation and the National Empowerment Fund.

The Black Industrialists Conference in August 2022 examined the impact of the Black Industrialists Programme and explored support measures to boost entry of black-owned businesses and producers into the mainstream economy. It also showcased the work of black industrialists. As an input into the conference, TIPS prepared nine case studies on black industrialists. Renee Grawitzky conducted the research and interviews, and TIPS provided the industry context and looked at the broader developmental objectives.

CapeBio Technologies: biotechnology company

Easy Farm: farms and exports cirtus 

Equal ELM Trading: designs and manufactures engine protection systems for the mining, construction, and transport industries

Flat-Foot Engineering: mechanical engineering provider

Ikusasa Green: manufactures roto-moulded cooler boxes

Microfinish: manufactures parts for the auto world industry

Pambili Media: film production company

PepsiCo ESOP: employee ownership scheme

Sindane Mining Ventures: civil engineering and equipment-rental company

Small businesses are the engines of a fair and green economy. But they lack access to the finance they need to grow. A new report from the Green Economy Coalition (GEC) looks at the barriers that small business face. These include risky and informal money lending arrangements, high bars for accessing credit, regulatory hurdles, and a lack of information on how to access finance. The report includes case studies from countries such as India, Peru, Senegal, Uganda and South Africa. The South African case study looks at the Seeds for Life Farm Primary Cooperative.

The report  draws on research and work conducted by GEC members: Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (Trinidad and Tobago), Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (Uganda), Development Alternatives (India), Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (South Africa), Libélula (Peru), Foro Nacional Internacional (Peru), Innovations Environnement Développement Afrique (Senegal), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (Senegal) and the Economic Policy and Competitiveness Research Center (Mongolia).

Download the report or read online:

Main Report: Small is powerful

Case Study: South Africa


Industrialisation cannot take off without adequate services such as logistics, engineering, finance and security, as well as human and social capital development. Moreover, the service sector generates around two thirds of the GDP and employment, and six out of seven jobs for women. An effective industrial policy, then, should incorporate measures to maximise the contribution of the service industries to inclusive industrialisation. To assist in understanding the role of the service industries in inclusive industrialisation in South Africa, this paper undertakes the following:

  • It outlines the factors behind the changing role of services in the economy.
  • It maps out the main services industries in South Africa. The analysis points to five broad groups from the standpoint of industrial policy: the professional business services including finance; the services needed for human capital development (mostly education and health); cultural and personal services and hospitality; logistics and retail; and cleaning and security.
  • The paper then summarises the main debates around the role of services in industrial policy.
  • The concluding section briefly outlines the potential contribution to inclusive industrialisation of the five services subsectors and where they now fall short, as the basis for further research.

The annexure provides case studies of engineering and logistics.

Sunday, 12 February 2023

Solar Power Africa 2023

Reports from Solar Power Africa 2023 conference

South Africa's current solar procurement progress is "not-enough"

ESI Africa - 9 February by Nasi Haka

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Solar Power Africa: 2050 is too far a target for net zero

 ESI Africa - 10 February by Nasi Haka

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Business Day - 7 February 2023 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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Letter in Business Day - 7 February 2023: Ride out temporary price swings by Wandile Sihlobo (Department of agricultural economics, Stellenbosch University)

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Business Day - 30 January 2023 by Denene Erasmus

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News24 - 24 January 2023 by Lameez Omarjee

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Tuesday, 31 January 2023

The small business deficit

Business Day - 24 January 2023 by Neva Makgetla (TIPS Senior Economist)

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